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Keldeo EX / Mewtwo EX / Blastoise


Aspiring Trainer
Pokémon: 13
  • 2 Mewtwo EX LTR
  • 2 Keldeo EX BCR
  • 3 Squirtle BCR
  • 1 Squirtle PLB
  • 3 Blastoise PLB
  • 1 Voltorb XY
  • 1 Electrode PLF
Trainers: 35
  • 3 Professor Juniper PLB
  • 4 Skyla BCR
  • 2 N DEX
  • 2 Shauna XY
  • 1 Colress PLS
  • 2 Tool Scrapper DRX
  • 4 Rare Candy PLB
  • 1 Heavy Ball NXD
  • 2 Float Stone PLF
  • 1 Level Ball NXD
  • 3 Ultra Ball PLB
  • 1 Scoop Up Cyclone PLB
  • 1 Silver Bangle PLB
  • 2 Professor's Letter XY
  • 2 Roller Skates XY
  • 2 Bicycle PLS
  • 2 Superior Energy Retrieval
Energy: 12
  • 12 Water Energy

As we all know, power up Keldeo EX or Mewtwo EX with Blastoise's Deluge and try to OHKo everything in your path. I know this deck isn't the same without BKEX and Tropical Beach but it's the best I can come up with. I also don't own Computer Search or Dowsing Machine. All suggestions are welcome!

Edited to coincide with the rules! :D ~Kecleon
I guess scoop up cyclone is in place for max potion (then add more SER and 2 max potion) computer search and dowsing machine would make better use's in this deck for quick plays or tactical plays, roller skates and bicycle are 50/50 and in stoise don't do much more then 2 benched electrode can offer. Suicune is a great bench tech to play. 10 water energy is enough. Bangle, should be a muscle band, the only thing you can attaché bangle to is non-EX pokemon, so why use stoise as a major attacker. And last Kecleon is shiny.