- REF! Ok, to make a long story short, I made a trade with her for one of her deckboxes and one of her dicebags for some of my ex's, 1 star, and about $20. I exadentaly sent $15 instead of $20. I said that I can send the other $5 the next day, but I wanted the marchandice also sent out the next day, because before the trade, I had told her that I wanted it by a certain date and she agreed with it. She did not want to, so I said that I would give her a negative ref and she decided to send back my stuff because I was suppositly "threating her". In the end, its been over 3 weeks and none of my stuff have I recieved. K, NOW AFTER MANY WEEKS, SHE IS NOT GETTING ONLINE SO I CAN'T EVEN GIVE HER THE OTHER PART OF OUR TRADE. I WAS WILLING TO KEEP GOIN ON WITH THE TRADE, BUT SHE IS NOT GONNA BE ONLINE ANYMORE, SO I JUST LOST A UXIE, $15, AND LIKE 6 EX'S. SHE IS A RIPPER!