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Kenny's Trading Thread[HUGE PACKAGE DEAL]Moved to Slateport Market!

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RE: Trading Thread[New wants, Have 1 extra claydol]

CML for x1 TSD. I really need it.
RE: Trading Thread[New wants, Have 1 extra claydol]

PCML for Magmortar Lv. X and TSD. Thanks! :p
RE: Trading Thread[New wants, Have 1 extra claydol]

I have a Japanese Garchomp Lv.X. Would you trade TSD for it?
RE: Trading Thread[New wants, Have 1 extra claydol]

I could give up 2 Claydol, 4 Bebes Search and 1 Roseannes Research(may give up more if it is a good trade).
RE: Trading Thread[New wants, Have 1 extra claydol]

What would you do for the Chomp X. Not really interested in trading TSD all that much.
RE: Trading Thread[New wants, Have 1 extra claydol]

Only interested in any of your Lv. Xs. The other things I dont need for my cards, those cards are really good.
RE: Trading Thread[New wants, Have 1 extra claydol]

Ok that sounds good. Could you ill PM you now. I could also throw in a few more cards. Have 1 more Tangrowth.
RE: Kenny's Trading Tread with new wants[Need Roseannes Research BAD]

CML for Claydol and Magmortar LV.X.
RE: Kenny's Trading Tread with new wants[Need Roseannes Research BAD]

Feraligatr MT. 1 is Reverse holo. I can trade all 3 Feraligatr MT for 3 Claydol or make an offer.
RE: Kenny's Trading Tread with more wants[Need Roseannes Research BAD]

Dont really need it any more, sorry. Updated with more deck wants.8/6
RE: Kenny's Trading Thread with more wants[Need Roseannes Research BAD]

I have a Roseanne, I'm intrested in Kabutops Jolteon Flareon MD, Wailord Latios GE, CML please.
RE: Kenny's Trading Thread with more wants[Need Roseannes Research BAD]

Hey, I have these cards for sale if you want to buy them:

- 1 Electivire Lv. X
- 3 Raichu MT
- 1 Blissey MT
-2 Roseannes Reseach (I might be getting more)
-3 Garchomp MT
-2 Brongzong MT
-1 Felicity's Drawing

LMK if you want to buy them (my prices are in my thread).

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