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Kenny's Trading Thread[HUGE PACKAGE DEAL]Moved to Slateport Market!

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RE: Kenny's Trading Thread[H]Uxie Lv. X!, Cress X[W]Deck wants

The only cards that I saw were Glaceon Lv. X(MD) and Leafeon Lv. X.
RE: Kenny's Trading Thread[H]Uxie Lv. X!, Cress X[W]Deck wants

The only thing im trading at the moment is the DP5 glacy:(
RE: Kenny's Trading Thread[H]Uxie Lv. X!, Cress X[W]Deck wants

yeah, i know, but like it says the english one is decked at the moment and im not expecting to trade it very soon:(
or i can just ask for the uxie X
RE: Kenny's Trading Thread[H]Uxie Lv. X!, Cress X, 1 RH Claydol[W]Deck wants

well i really only need the uxie X,
i just wanted cressy to have
RE: Kenny's Trading Thread[H]Uxie Lv. X!, Cress X, 1 RH Claydol[W]Deck wants

I could throw in ANYTHING off my list for the Leafeon. The Glaceon is not that important to me. Make me an offer on either if you want to trade them.
RE: Kenny's Trading Thread[H]Uxie Lv. X!, Cress X, 1 RH Claydol[W]Deck wants

im sorry i just cant trade it atm, its decked too, untill i can get the right cards for my new deck i will trade it
RE: Kenny's Trading Thread[H]Uxie Lv. X!, Cress X, 1 RH Claydol[W]Deck wants

What do you need? I may be able to get the stuff for your new deck.
RE: Kenny's Trading Thread[H]Uxie Lv. X!, Cress X, 1 RH Claydol[W]Deck wants

just uxie X, and 3 uxie LA
RE: Kenny's Trading Thread[H]Uxie Lv. X!, Cress X, 1 RH Claydol[W]Deck wants

If I can get 3 Uxie LA by Monday will you do all 4 and maybe 1 other card from my list for Leafeon X?
RE: Kenny's Trading Thread[H]Uxie Lv. X!, Cress X, 1 RH Claydol[W]Deck wants

i dont know about that, i will have to see about this weekend ok
RE: Kenny's Trading Thread[H]Uxie Lv. X!, Cress X, 1 RH Claydol[W]Deck wants

Ok, ill still get them and you can make up your mind then.
RE: Kenny's Trading Thread[H]Uxie Lv. X!, Cress X, 1 RH Claydol[W]Deck wants

ok thanks, i will let you know
RE: Kenny's Trading Thread[H]Uxie Lv. X!, Cress X, 1 RH Claydol[W]Deck wants

hey i have holo hp and pk energies
i liked ur 3 claqydol 1 rh
how many energy r u looking to get for each
lkist idividually and ill see if i even want to offer
RE: Kenny's Trading Thread[H]Uxie Lv. X!, Cress X, 1 RH Claydol[W]Deck wants

I dont know. I could get better cards for Claydols. Anyhting else you see.
RE: Kenny's Trading Thread[H]Uxie Lv. X!, Cress X, 1 RH Claydol[W]Deck wants

CML for Cressy lvl x.

Also, if you you want me to add in money or you are selling it say so ^-^.
RE: Kenny's Trading Thread[H]Uxie Lv. X!, Cress X, 1 RH Claydol[W]Deck wants

Cml for 1x Buck's, 3x Energy Pickup, and 1x Stark Mountain(RH)
RE: Kenny's Trading Thread[H]Uxie Lv. X!, Cress X, 1 RH Claydol[W]Deck wants

Hey Kenny, please CML for following:
2-Energy Pickup
1-Bucks Training (RH)
1-Cynthia's Feelings


2- Premier Ball (RH)

LMK if we can work something out, thanks.

RE: Kenny's Trading Thread[H]Uxie Lv. X!, Cress X, 1 RH Claydol[W]Deck wants

Can you please CML for these cards:

Have- Lv X and Rare

1-Uxie Lv. X

Legends Awakened



3-Energy Pickup
Stark Mountain(RH)
1-Bucks Training(1-RH)
3- Premier Ball(2RH)


LMK if you need anything.

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