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Kenny's Trading Thread[HUGE PACKAGE DEAL]Moved to Slateport Market!

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RE: Kenny's Trading Thread[H]Uxie Lv. X!, Cress X, 1 RH Claydol[W]Deck wants

androman- Are your cards English? Thats the only way I wpould trade with you.

geo15721- Ill PM you about it.
RE: Kenny's Trading Thread[H]Uxie Lv. X!, Cress X, 1 RH Claydol[W]Deck wants

I have
1x Rosannes Research
5x Each type of EX Holon Phantoms Holo Energy
5x Each type of EX Power Keepers Holo Energy
Want All your GE Claydol's
RE: Kenny's Trading Thread[H]Uxie Lv. X!, Cress X, 1 RH Claydol[W]Deck wants

randomman29- Sorry I am trading my extra one. Anything else you see for holo energys?
RE: Kenny's Trading Thread[H]Uxie Lv. X!, Cress X, 1 RH Claydol[W]Deck wants

i have 4 foiil hp energies
i want these
3-Energy Pickup
Stark Mountain(RH)
3-Bubble Coat
2-TM TS-2
3-Bucks Training(1-RH 1-Pre)
3-Cynthia's Feelings
could u make the first offer via pm
RE: Kenny's Trading Thread[H]Uxie Lv. X!, Cress X, 1 RH Claydol[W]Deck wants

Kenny Schumann said:
randomman29- Sorry I am trading my extra one. Anything else you see for holo energys?

I only want claydol.
RE: Kenny's Trading Thread[H]Uxie Lv. X!, Cress X, 1 RH Claydol[W]Deck wants

yuyuman345- What type are they?

randomman29- Ok then, cant trade it yet dont know if the other trade is going to happen.
RE: Kenny's Trading Thread[H]Uxie Lv. X!, Cress X, 1 RH Claydol[W]Deck wants

Kenny Schumann said:
androman- Are your cards English? Thats the only way I wpould trade with you.
Yeah, they are.
Here's my offer.
Kyogre LA
Rhyperior Lv X (mint, english)

For your:
1-Kabutops (Holo one)

2-Claydol (normal ones, non RH)

2-Cynthia's Feelings
2-Energy Pickup
2-Dusk Ball

* This IS a great offer, but I'm not a ripper... I live in Europe and got +11 refs... also, I don't mind sending first since you got more refs, but I'd prefer same time! xD *
Also, only if all your cards are mint and english, mine are!
LMK, thanks.

RE: Kenny's Trading Thread[H]Uxie Lv. X!, Cress X, 1 RH Claydol[W]Deck wants

androman- Sorry I dont need the Rhyperior Lv X and I am only trading one Claydol. This is my offer and this is the only thing I need from you.


Gliscor Lv X(incoming, is it english?)

My: MD
1-Kabutops (Holo one)

1-Claydol (RH)

2-Cynthia's Feelings
2-Dusk Ball
RE: Kenny's Trading Thread[H]Uxie Lv. X!, Cress X, 1 RH Claydol[W]Deck wants

Your offer is ripping me off badly.
My incoming Gliscor is english but it's NFT since I need him for my deck.
Also, I can give Rhyperior Lv X for:
1-Kabutops (Holo one)

1-Claydol (normal one, non RH)

2-Cynthia's Feelings
2-Energy Pickup
2-Dusk Ball

LMK, thanks.

RE: Kenny's Trading Thread[H]Uxie Lv. X!, Cress X, 1 RH Claydol[W]Deck wants

androman- No thanks, Rhyperior Lv X is worthless. No one is using it and its in a tin. Dont need it. The only other cards that I really need from you Azelf Lv X and Mesprit Lv X. Would you trade any of those?
RE: Kenny's Trading Thread[H]Uxie Lv. X!, Cress X, 1 RH Claydol[W]Deck wants

My Rhyperior isn't from tin.
And I can't trade any AMU X's that are inc. to me. Sorry, thanks for your time.

RE: Kenny's Trading Thread[H]Uxie Lv. X!, Cress X, 1 RH Claydol[W]Deck wants

CML for the shaymin mini binder and RH Claydol
RE: Kenny's Trading Thread[H]Uxie Lv. X!, Cress X, 1 RH Claydol[W]Deck wants

androman- Sorry we couldn't work it out but thanks anyways.

shayminlvr- Nothing I would trade the Claydol or the Binder for but did you see anything else you would trade for your Kingdra?
RE: Kenny's Trading Thread[H]Uxie Lv. X!, Cress X, 1 RH Claydol[W]Deck wants

nope All i like is the binder and claydol
RE: Kenny's Trading Thread[H]Uxie Lv. X!, Cress X, 1 RH Claydol[W]Deck wants

Need Uxie Lv.X, Have
-2 Felicitys Drawing
-2 Rosannes Research
-Fire X2,Fighting X1,Psychic X1, water X2, Lighting X1 (Beat-up) EX Holon Phantoms Holo Energy
-Water X3,Psychic X2, Fire X1, Fighting X1 EX Power Keepers Holo Energy
2 Buck's Traing
1 Pokeradar
3 Kyogre LA (1 RH)
And More!
RE: Kenny's Trading Thread[H]Uxie Lv. X!, Cress X, 1 RH Claydol[W]Deck wants

CML for Uxie Lv.X please
RE: Kenny's Trading Thread[H]Uxie Lv. X!, Cress X, 1 RH Claydol[W]Deck wants

Lv. X Collector- Sorry I was looking to get another Lv. X for Uxie and I didnt see any that I need.

ESP- Sorry didnt see anything I would trade Uxie for.
RE: Kenny's Trading Thread[H]Uxie Lv. X!, Cress X, 1 RH Claydol[W]Deck wants

I cold trade Magnezone X and something else for it. I really need one.
RE: Kenny's Trading Thread[H]Uxie Lv. X!, Cress X, 1 RH Claydol[W]Deck wants

ESP- I really don't want any more Jap cards unless its one I can't live without.
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