BW/BW2 Kerudio,Meloetta,and Genosekuto;where do you get them?

Death Bringer

master legend tamer
i was wondering something about these three pokemon. where do you get them in the games? are they really just handed out as a gift at an event? or is there some sort of background story to these three like there was with darkrai, shaymin, and arceus? add some of your thoughts on what you think their background story is or how you think we get them in the games.
They might be gotten with an item...nothing has been announced yet to how you get them in game so yeah. They could always add Events with items later.

dmaster out.
From what I've read, it doesn't seem like any of them can be obtained through an event within the games (like how the fourth Generation hidden Legendaries could be accessed with items). It seems the only way one can get them is by downloading them from an event. Though, there's always the chance this could change in the next fifth Generation game (at least for that game).

As far as their backstories go, they've all got one. I'm not sure if they're explained in-depth in the games aside from their PokéDex entries, but each of them has a sort of mini-event within the games, if you meet certain requirements. From what I've seen, Meloetta can be brought to a musician who will play a song, which will make it dance and want to learn the move Ancient Voice. Keldeo can be brought to an old man along with the other Musketeer Pokémon, and they go to some spot in some woods and teach it Sword of Mystery. Genosect's event involves battling a scientist who, once defeated, gives you its Casettes.

I'm sure I got some details wrong, and I'm not sure of all of the specifics.
ya that sounds right to what I've read. but i hope when they come out with the movies they have a deeper story for each one in the Pokemon universe.
my sis told me that she found a item for one of the legendaries in Route 18, she says. She's not certain though..
If you're referring to Genesect's Drives, you only obtain those after you actually have a Genesect. They are not used to actually find Genesect.
Meloetta can be brought to a musician who will play a song, which will make it dance and want to learn the move Ancient Voice. Keldeo can be brought to an old man along with the other Musketeer Pokémon, and they go to some spot in some woods and teach it Sword of Mystery. Genosect's event involves battling a scientist who, once defeated, gives you its Casettes.

I recently traded for hacked versions of Keldeo and Genesect, then carried out their events and both worked. Keldeo learned Sacred Sword, and I was able to obtain the Cassettes for Genesect. So I can prove this to to be true. Meloetta, I have seen done before using a hacked Meloetta, so I can also verify this. Just my two cents for an obscure subject.

Meloetta unlocks an event in Castellia City (the musician teaching it Ancient Song), Keldio unlocks an event in The Moor of Icirrus (three musketeers teaching it Sacred Sword, and Genosect unlocks an event in P2 Laboratory (battling a scientist for Genosects cassettes, cassettes vary on game version). I hope that helped.
You get them from an event that hasnt came out yet but u can get them by hscking i have all 3 of them shiny
ok here is how people got them but I don't recommend trying it because it involves hacks.a few people on and yt stumbled on someone that did the gts glitch thing and put all 3 on the gts.They are shiny put thier stats are horrible and they will mess up your game.Just wait untill they have the events.Also for europe they always somehow release main stream events thier.
They are event only, and they don't seem to have a real event assoicated with them like victini does. Likely they will be released whenever gray gets released.