Wi-Fi Trades Kevin Garrett's Trading Station

i have a:
Abra(Female): Lax
Kirlia(Male): Rash
Ralts(Male): Impish
(I didn't know if gender counted so i counted it in the post)
Oh looky. "intriguing." Looks like KG is using big words now. :eek:
And btw, I have a Heart Scale. :eek:
I'm planning on adding a few new "uberish" member to my team that I'm sure average players will kill me for, but they are OU. :p
Can I have a bunch of them? That and Kirlia is good enough for TTar since you found a loophole in my no items list. :p
It isn't "Can I have." It is "May I have." =)
And... are you adding Slowbro? He's cool. Not sure if he is OU, though.
Loophole lol. I have a lot of Synchronizers, as well, KG.

dmaster out.
What Natures do you need?? Adamant, Modest, Jolly, Calm, Bold, Timid, etc. The list goes on and on.

dmaster out.