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Kick Dragonite in the Face! (Blaziken)


Deck Experimenter
Pokemon: 16

  • 4 Blaziken
    2 Combusken
    4 Torchic (Doesn't matter which but I prefer LTR for cuteness)
    3 Miltank
    2 Victini EX
    1 Dedenne
Trainers/Supporters/Stadiums: 33

  • 3 Professor Juniper
    2 N
    1 Shauna
    3 Skyla
    3 Blacksmith
    4 Roller Skates
    4 Ultra Ball
    1 Professor's Letter
    1 Dowsing Machine
    3 Rare Candy
    3 Silver Bangle
    1 Muscle Band
    3 Switch
    1 Escape Rope
Energy: 11

  • 9 Fire
    2 Double Colorless

Hello, I made this deck this past Sunday at my League because I used Blaziken at my Prerelease and thought it was cool. Since nobody else has posted a Blaziken deck but it has been talked about on the forums, I decided I'd share mine.

First you Turbo Energize with VictiniEX to get some energy on your board, and set up at least one Blaziken. Then you can Burning Shot an active EX for knockout or hit something on the bench and finish it off later. You can also use Miltank to attack with first and then if the opponent switches the damaged Pokemon back, it's an easy target for Blaziken. Dedenne is a nice alternative to start with to VictiniEX and hits for decent damage on Yveltals, Mewtwos, and Lugias.

I considered a Forretress strategy in which you Blazing shot a few things and then kill them with its Thorn Tempest Ability, but I like the above version better because there are no Abilities.
Only 3 Rare Candy because usually 2 Blaziken in a game is all you need.
No Training Center because if a Pokemon is able to hang on with the extra 30, the opponent only has to play another Stadium to get an easy KO.
1 Muscle Band because not every target is going to be an EX, but only 1 because Burning Shot KOs about every non-EX.
The prefix says "Future", as in two days into the future when the rotation takes effect. I'm not going to be considering any Phantom Forces cards yet because I want to focus on what there is right now.
Pretty cool idea, couple of things here and there though-

3 Bangle is too much IMO, 2 should be more than enough with the 1 Band.

You're gonna lose some prizes early on, so you want 3, maybe even 4, N.

A few Lysandre (1-2) could help just because it's a good card.

4 Rare Candy is just for consistency mostly.

I think 1 more DCE would help you out.

Other than those, I like what you've come up with. What do you think of your list so far? How's it working for you?
Thanks for the input-
I'll definitely be taking out a Bangle because I find that sometimes it's not even needed for 2HKOs.

When I first built this I kept taking Lysandre in and out but now that I've playtested more, I think just one should be ok. That's because I've been in a couple games where I only needed to kill one last EX, the opponent's bench is all EXs, and Escape Rope comes in handy to let me OHKO.

3 Rare Candy seems to be enough for now, and I'm not sure about the extra DCE but I'll give it a shot.

You're absolutely right about the Ns because this deck mostly just makes big comebacks. Either that or I win/lose in the first five turns.

A couple things that have saved my butt at the end of the game: Dowsing Machine, Switch, Dedenne

EDIT: Hey look it's my 100th post :D
Blaziken has a terrible matchup against Seismitoad EX/Garbodor/Reshiram which I believe will be BDIF for BCR-On, I did consider Miltank FLF in my build since it requires very few resources to attack with after you're forced to setup Blaziken under Item Lock however it gets easily one-shotted by Donphan PLS, Lucario EX, and Landorus so it was a no go from there. Victini EX is nice for early game setup however it's an easy 2 prizes for Seismitoad EX so I'd consider taking it out for maybe Heatran EX which can take advantage of LaserBank under Heat Boiler and has more bulk or run other EX's. I'm not sure how I feel about Dedenne considering that Yveltal and Lugia won't see as much play in BCR-On.

I'd recommend a 2-2 Leafeon PLF line for Energy Crush to counter Seismitoad EX while Garbodor's really a non-issue since this deck doesn't rely on abilities like other Stage 2 decks in the format like Empoleon/Dusknoir. I'd also consider Mewtwo EX for X-Ball for dealing with Lucario EX to stop your opponent from using Corkscrew Smash although Espeon PLF for Shadow Ball isn't a bad counter either, it requires a Psychic energy attachment which might be hard to pull off under Item Lock If you plan on getting that attachment with Professor's Letter. I'm surprised you're only running 2 DCE when 4 is mandatory for getting Burning Shot off with Blaziken alot faster.

You might also want to consider running 1-2 Pokemon Fan Club incase you do get Item Locked early game especially against Donphan PLS / Trevenant XY while running more Supporters over Items. I'd probably consider a counter Stadium since Item Lock decks such as Seismitoad EX/Garbodor/Reshiram and Donphan PLS / Trevenant will most likely be running LaserBank to draw prizes more efficiently. As for ACE Specs I feel as though Scramble Switch has more synergy with Blaziken than Dowsing Machine due to being able to move your attached DCE's around so feel free to prove me wrong on that. For my build I'm running a 2-2 Garbodor line with a 2/2 split of Silver Bangle and Float Stone.

Hope that helps and good luck.
Thanks for the reply, Card Slinger J,
I'll give HeatranEX and MewtwoEX a try in my deck, which will most likely lead to filling the Double Colorless line. Not so sure about the Leafeon or Garbodor though, because it's hard to find space in this deck for me.

Funny thing, I actually just barely chose Dowsing Machine over Scramble Switch but I guess if I'm going to be running 4 DCE , Scramble might be the better choice.

I'm definitely going to add in the one or two Pokémon Fan Club, and if I find room, a couple Stadiums.
Heatran EX I think would be okay in here but not necessary, I did like Victini EX better for the energy acceleration it provides for this deck however 110 HP on a Basic EX is giving your opponent 2 prizes especially with Seismitoad EX in the meta. You might want to look out for Cobalion EX's Righteous Edge attack for discarding your attached DCE's which you shouldn't have much of a problem against due to type advantage. In my build I'm torn between Mewtwo EX and Victini EX seeing how good Turbo Energize is for getting Blaziken setup ASAP.

I think you can get away with running at least one Stage 1 line in here being Leafeon PLF or Raichu XY If Yveltal, Empoleon, and Lugia are a problem in your area. I'd say Leafeon's the better choice as a way to get out of Item Lock from Seismitoad EX as you can't afford to take any chances. You could run a 2nd Stage 1 line for Garbodor to get around Trevenant's Item Lock as well. Here's my Blaziken/Leafeon deck to help give you some ideas on how it runs:

Pokemon (18)

3-3-3 Blaziken (Furious Fists)
2-2 Leafeon (Plasma Freeze)
2-2 Garbodor (Dragons Exalted / Legendary Treasures)
1 Mewtwo EX (Next Destinies / Legendary Treasures)

Trainers/Supporters/Stadiums (28)

4 N
4 Rare Candy
4 Blacksmith
3 Skyla
3 Professor Sycamore
2 Fiery Torch
2 Silver Bangle
2 Float Stone
2 Pokémon Fan Club
2 Lysandre

Energy (14)

10 Fire
4 Double Colorless Energy

Deck Total (60)
I'm almost sure about keeping the HeatranEX in because it's like a Laser party where I'm at and it's such a weird card that nobody knows what to do against it. Maybe this picture can give you an idea:

Yeah, it's that bad.

Leafeon seems like a good idea to me just to get some more Basic Pokemon into the deck. Raichu and Garbodor will probably be dead cards to me because nobody plays Yveltal, Empoleon, or Trevenant, and the only Lugia deck is really not focused on Lugia. There have been, however, a couple Seismitoads forming.

I'm keeping the extra Stadiums because, you know, Laserbanks are annoying. Oh, and, funny thing. I tested one match earlier and I was about to win with Scramble Switch but it was prized :p

Thanks for your input!
No problem, glad I could help. I just can't get over how good Turbo Energize is with DCE and Blacksmith in this deck although I thought Mewtwo EX would be a good idea against Lucario EX.
Right now I'm only able to test against my friend, so I won't have a list update until Sunday after I get home from my League.