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Kill and Mill(Flygon/Rhyperior/KGL)


Aspiring Trainer
2-2-2-2 Flygon lvx
2-2-2-1 Rhyperior lvx
2-2 KGL
2 sableye sf/smeargle ud
1 shaymin ul
/22 poke

3 dcl
4 water
8 fighting
/15 energy

3 bebes
3 collector
1 palmers
1 lucians
3 pont
3 rare candy
3 communication
2 warp
2 expert belt
1 luxury
1 permier
/23 t/s/s

get flygon lvx set up first to mill through opponet while doing a bit of dmg. while doing this set up either kgl or rhyperior on bench. retreat when rhyperior can make the kill to discard another 3 cards from opponent. use kgl either mid game to discard the opponts top 5 and spread or late game after rhyperior upthrows to aim for 100 dmg per energy i discard from my top 5.
i havent tested the deck yet but im guessing its going to be slow to set up. might need a starter or something to improve consistency. thoughts and critiques are welcome and encouraged. havent tried to build a deck for a while so im sure im missing some key elements and cards.
not sure if i need the legend boxes or even maybe expert belts. although i like the expert belts for use with rhyperior to make sure i can get the kill. maybe use the 2 slots from legend boxes for a starter or more draw.?
anyway thanks in advance
Test it with redshark! :)

Knowing that trainer lock is very popular, maybe you'll find more useful Bronzong TM for the Legend build... but it's like a legend-only starter, and that opinion is if you really think that is useful KGL for mid game.

Now, talking about starters, Smeargle UD or Sableye SF can do good job.

You can drop 1 Rare Candy because you're only playing 2 stage 2 pokemon. IMO, drop out Engineer's Adjustments. You need energies for your main attackers attacks. With that, you can also drop out Lucian (I think that you run it because you think you'll get short of energies, don't you?) and bring Uxie and the starters.

-1 Rare Candy
-2 Engineer's Adjustments
-2 Lucian's Assignment

+4 Sableye SF/Smeargle UD
+1 Water Energy (just an opinion, consider it as a blank space xD)

OOH YEAH, almost forgot! Maybe you'll find useful Professor Oak's New Theory. I mean, your deck runs a lot of trainers, so you'll need to refresh your hand if you're running against a trainer lock deck.
Use Shaymin UL; its power allows you to move energy around on your pokemon in any way you like. Much better than Lucian's or Energy Switch (even though it can be sprayed).
The thing is if he runs Shaymin UL, he will need to run also some SSU or Seekers, because Shaymin's pokepower only can be activated when it goes from the hand to the bench. IMO, if I have to decide between Shaymin UL or Lucian, it's much better Lucian, because you don't need to add Seekers or SSU for tooking Shaymin back, and you won't have the risk of getting KO'd Shaymin.

For moving energies...? Hmmm I don't have any idea, maybe it'll be fine with Lucian. IMO, he won't need it, but I'm saying this without even seen how this deck works.
i suppose i could change 1 lucians for 1 shaymin. covers all basis. then i can search shaymin out if im not playing sp so i dont have to worry about being sprayed. but its nice to have lucians as an option as well. i do need some cards for draw power so i will drop the engineers and 1 palmers for 3 pont i think. i think ill keep the 3rd rare candy for now just for consistency. finally im thinking ill drop the legend box and add in 2 sableye/smeargle.
take out:
1 lucians
2 engineers
1 palmers
2 legend box
add in:
1 shaymin
3 pont
2 sableye/smeargle

what are thoughts on sableye vs smeargle? also thoughts on using stark mountain to move energy?
I use both in my deck. Smeargle is a nice starter, but you always depend of the supporters of the opponent. That's I would never use Smeargle only. Sableye is awesome, I use it in every deck because it's really fast, but you need a lot of supporters. That's why I find a lot better a combination of both starters.

EDIT: about the stadium... it goes well if you only want to move fighting energies.