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Kindra with Machamp BR/Citys (Seniors)


Aspiring Trainer
2 Kindra (Prime)
2 Kindra (LA)
2 Seadra (LA)
4 Horsea (LA)
1 Uxie lv.X
3 Uxie (LA)
1 Machamp (SF)
1 Machop (SF)
1 Azelf
1 Unown Q
4 Bebe's Search
2 Pokemon Collector
1 Professor Oak's New Theory
1 Palmer's Contribution

4 Super Scoop Up
4 Rare Candy
4 Poke Drawer +
3 Pokedex
3 Expert Belt
3 Pokemon Reversal
2 Warp Point
2 Energy Search
1 Luxury Ball

2 Broken Time-Space

5 {W}
1 {F}

The Strategy is the usual Kindra you try and donk (First Turn Win) your opponent. If you can't donk just start hitting 60-80 with Expert Belts attached to Kindra or Kindra Prime. Or if you are matched up with SP try getting out Machamp and start knocking many of their Pokemon out. I would really appreciate comments of any help you can give :).
I love kingdra machamp decks well i sugest take out a azelf for a machop and a expert belt for a machamp and make one of the water energy a rainbow energy.
thepliskin5005 said:
I love kingdra machamp decks well i sugest take out a azelf for a machop and a expert belt for a machamp and make one of the water energy a rainbow energy.
i love them to! But i think Azelf helps alot i have played many games and it has really helped me out and another Machamp line would help but i dont hink i need it the 3 Expert Belts also i think i need and i think 4 water energy would be too little :\ but i appreciate your that yuo are trying to help me out :)
-2 Energy Search
-4 Poke Drawer +
-1 Expert Belt
-1 Bebe's Search

+1 Broken Time-Space
+2 Rainbow Energy
+1 Pokedex
+1 Machoke
+2 Pokemon Collector
+1 Professor Oak's New Theory

Energy Search is not a very good card instead you should put in two Rainbow Energy. Poke Drawer + is taking up to much room in your deck so you should add more Pokemon Collector, Pokedex, Broken Time-Space and Professor Oak's New Theory for more consistency. You don't really need three Expert Belt so you should take out one and add in Machoke in case you can't get your Rare Candy or you are trainer locked.
I run 2-1-2 Machamp and 4-2-3/1 Kingdra Prime. 2 LA Kingdra is not needed (unless there are many fire players in your area.
true i but i only have 2 Kindra Prime.

hunter is no good it helps your opponent and i kinda thought energy search was bad to but if i get stuck and need some energys you use thoses and the poke drawer + help alot 3 expert belt really help also. but all the other cards you mentioned i get what you mean but thank for trying to help Afro-G :)
if you don't want any help with you're deck then why did you post it i have played that deck and it's really good i don't think anything needs to change
I think Donphan Prime is better.
I played at States a Kingdra Prime + Machamp with 3-3 Claydol and get fast a Machamp was however very difficult.