Wi-Fi Trades King Xerneas' Trade Emporium - Now Updated for Sun and Moon!

RE: King Xerneas' Trade Emporium - Cloning, HA's, Shinies, Egg Moves, 4-5IVs, Diancie Clones and More! New Offers Every Day!

King Xerneas said:
professorlight said:
Hi xerneas, is there anything in my trade thread you want for a diancie?

You got anything unlisted? I'm not really looking for ordinary Pokemon for this one.

No, sorry, just regular pokemon with rare egg moves and/or abilities, some legendaries; and almost all megastones, even charizardite Y, I hear many people want it.
RE: King Xerneas' Trade Emporium - Cloning, HA's, Shinies, Egg Moves, 4-5IVs, Diancie Clones and More! New Offers Every Day!

professorlight said:
King Xerneas said:
You got anything unlisted? I'm not really looking for ordinary Pokemon for this one.

No, sorry, just regular pokemon with rare egg moves and/or abilities, some legendaries; and almost all megastones, even charizardite Y, I hear many people want it.

Well if you have that shiny Skrelp I'll clone one of my Diancies for you. Shouldn't be too much trouble.well clone THE Diancie for you.
RE: King Xerneas' Trade Emporium - Cloning, HA's, Shinies, Egg Moves, 4-5IVs, Diancie Clones and More! New Offers Every Day!

Sorry, apparently I traded skrelp away some time ago and never changed the list because it was by PM.

But the good news is that I got a shiny clauncher off of it, so if you are interested in a clauncher I can trade it to you.
RE: King Xerneas' Trade Emporium - Cloning, HA's, Shinies, Egg Moves, 4-5IVs, Diancie Clones and More! New Offers Every Day!

professorlight said:
Sorry, apparently I traded skrelp away some time ago and never changed the list because it was by PM.

But the good news is that I got a shiny clauncher off of it, so if you are interested in a clauncher I can trade it to you.

I already have a shiny Clawitzer. How about some of your egg move specialty Spinarak, Growlithe, and Chansey (I know it probably doesn't have any egg moves, but I need a Chansey)
RE: King Xerneas' Trade Emporium - Cloning, HA's, Shinies, Egg Moves, 4-5IVs, Diancie Clones and More! New Offers Every Day!

King Xerneas said:
professorlight said:
Sorry, apparently I traded skrelp away some time ago and never changed the list because it was by PM.

But the good news is that I got a shiny clauncher off of it, so if you are interested in a clauncher I can trade it to you.

I already have a shiny Clawitzer. How about some of your egg move specialty Spinarak, Growlithe, and Chansey (I know it probably doesn't have any egg moves, but I need a Chansey)

Sure, I'll get them ready. So then:

- a spinarak with sniper, megahorn, night slash, electroweb and signal beam
- a chansey
- a growlithe with close combat, roar, morning sun and covet

I already have the spinarak, I'll breed the chansey and growlithe and let you know as soon as I get all three.
RE: King Xerneas' Trade Emporium - Cloning, HA's, Shinies, Egg Moves, 4-5IVs, Diancie Clones and More! New Offers Every Day!

King Xerneas said:
professorlight said:
Hi xerneas, is there anything in my trade thread you want for a diancie?

You got anything unlisted? I'm not really looking for ordinary Pokemon for this one.

Reggie McGigas said:
CML for Diancie

What's the info on Shiny Druddigon and Shiny Mew?

I can trade Shiny Druddigon for it.
RE: King Xerneas' Trade Emporium - Cloning, HA's, Shinies, Egg Moves, 4-5IVs, Diancie Clones and More! New Offers Every Day!

I have your order already, and I'll be on as long as the battery allows me, so whenever you can let me know, you already have my friend code, my IGN is luce.
RE: King Xerneas' Trade Emporium - Cloning, HA's, Shinies, Egg Moves, 4-5IVs, Diancie Clones and More! New Offers Every Day!

Okay let me clone Diancie and I'll be right with you both.
RE: TheRoyalXerneas' Trade Thread

Hello King Xerneas!

I'm really interested in getting one of your hacked Diancie's.

I don't really have any competitive Pokemon to offer (trying to knock out some event legendary Pokemon before I start breeding more).

I do have a shiny Mightyena (saw that mentioned on your first post), which I got through a trade the other day. I also have a shiny Kingdra with its Hidden Ability and a decent move set, can't comment on if it hacked or not as I got it through the GTS. Also have various other shiny Pokemon as well. Again can't really comment on if they are "competitive or not".

Do have 3 EM Sneasel and 4 EM Buneary as well.

Thank you!
RE: King Xerneas' Trade Emporium - Cloning, HA's, Shinies, Egg Moves, 4-5IVs, Diancie Clones and More! New Offers Every Day!

Shiny Mightyena e_o I'LL TAKE IT! Let me just clone a copy and I'll be set.
RE: King Xerneas' Trade Emporium - Cloning, HA's, Shinies, Egg Moves, 4-5IVs, Diancie Clones and More! New Offers Every Day!

Okay! Don't know how competitive it'll be since I got it from a trade yesterday (and don't know much about competitiveness at all.)

My FC is 4313-1821-3717. Many thanks!
RE: King Xerneas' Trade Emporium - Cloning, HA's, Shinies, Egg Moves, 4-5IVs, Diancie Clones and More! New Offers Every Day!

I've been hunting for a shiny Mightyena for a long time. I don't really care if it's competitive or now, as long as it's a Shiny Mightyena :p
RE: King Xerneas' Trade Emporium - Cloning, HA's, Shinies, Egg Moves, 4-5IVs, Diancie Clones and More! New Offers Every Day!

King Xerneas said:
I've been hunting for a shiny Mightyena for a long time. I don't really care if it's competitive or now, as long as it's a Shiny Mightyena :p

Sounds good then haha! Glad I could help with that (also. Just noticed its French with the name Grahyena. Hope thats fine too. I'd imagine so, but I'd like to double check nonetheless)
RE: King Xerneas' Trade Emporium - Cloning, HA's, Shinies, Egg Moves, 4-5IVs, Diancie Clones and More! New Offers Every Day!

That's fine with me.
RE: King Xerneas' Trade Emporium - Cloning, HA's, Shinies, Egg Moves, 4-5IVs, Diancie Clones and More! New Offers Every Day!

King Xerneas said:
That's fine with me.

Okay then! Well I just added you on the game. I'll wait for an add and the trade from you (no idea how long cloning takes. But I'll be here for awhile!)

Thank you so much by the way. Been searching for a Diancie for awhile now!
RE: King Xerneas' Trade Emporium - Cloning, HA's, Shinies, Egg Moves, 4-5IVs, Diancie Clones and More! New Offers Every Day!

Alright I'm online now
RE: King Xerneas' Trade Emporium - Cloning, HA's, Shinies, Egg Moves, 4-5IVs, Diancie Clones and More! New Offers Every Day!

Interested in your perfect shiny Greninja
Could I clone an HP Ice Landorus for it?
RE: King Xerneas' Trade Emporium - Cloning, HA's, Shinies, Egg Moves, 4-5IVs, Diancie Clones and More! New Offers Every Day!

AlexanderTheAwesome said:
Interested in your perfect shiny Greninja
Could I clone an HP Ice Landorus for it?

Is it a special one or is it mixed?
RE: King Xerneas' Trade Emporium - Cloning, HA's, Shinies, Egg Moves, 4-5IVs, Diancie Clones and More! New Offers Every Day!

King Xerneas said:
AlexanderTheAwesome said:
Interested in your perfect shiny Greninja
Could I clone an HP Ice Landorus for it?

Is it a special one or is it mixed?

It's Landorus T so it has higher base attack
It only has HP Ice for coverage

What's the nature on greninja?
RE: King Xerneas' Trade Emporium - Cloning, HA's, Shinies, Egg Moves, 4-5IVs, Diancie Clones and More! New Offers Every Day!

It's a Timid natured one.