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KingBuzz 3.0


Holla Holla Get Pony
EDIT:: I've completely revamped the deck. Instead of running cards to counter my weaknesses, I'm running cards for straight speed and setup power. Turn two Kingdra Prime and Mandibuzz is highest priority, and getting the early lead and running away with it is the deck objective.

4 Vullaby (BW 72)
4 Mandibuzz (BW 73)
4 Horsea (UL 49)
1 Seadra (UL 40)
4 Kingdra (UL 85)
4 Manaphy (UL 3)
1 Cleffa (HGSS 17)

4 Rare Candy (UL 82)
4 Pokemon Communication (HGSS 98)
4 Professor Oak's New Theory (CL 83)
4 Professor Juniper (BW 101)
4 Junk Arm (TR 87)
4 Pokemon Collector (HGSS 97)
4 Pokegear 3.0 (HGSS 96)

4 Darkness Energy (Special) (UD 79)
4 Rainbow Energy (HGSS 104)
2 Darkness Energy (BW 111)

Objective is, of course, to setup ASAP and snipe my opponent's important basics, cripple them, and pretty much ruin any chance they have of setting up, which pretty much means I'll win.
Stage 2 and Magneboar has already died. However, I fail to see how this decks best matchup is Metajudge since Magnezone can OHKO Mandibuzz for 1 energy and Kingdra for 2, but whatever. Sme changes I'd make are:

-3 Professor Juniper the PONT are enough, and better since you don't have much recovery
-4 Dual Ball you need Collector instead

+1 Junk Arm staple, needs to be maxed
+4 Pokemon Collector better than Dual Ball for searching stuff out
+2 Pokemon Reversal might not seem useful since this is a snipe deck, but it will elt you use Punishment on Vileplume, Typhlosion etc to kill them faster, or pull up a high retreater to snipe around
Dark Void said:
Stage 2 and Magneboar has already died. However, I fail to see how this decks best matchup is Metajudge since Magnezone can OHKO Mandibuzz for 1 energy and Kingdra for 2, but whatever. Sme changes I'd make are:

-3 Professor Juniper the PONT are enough, and better since you don't have much recovery
-4 Dual Ball you need Collector instead

+1 Junk Arm staple, needs to be maxed
+4 Pokemon Collector better than Dual Ball for searching stuff out
+2 Pokemon Reversal might not seem useful since this is a snipe deck, but it will elt you use Punishment on Vileplume, Typhlosion etc to kill them faster, or pull up a high retreater to snipe around

Most Yanmega decks I've seen, aside from Magneboar, don't run many energies, so the Magnezone is almost nothing but draw fodder. It's decks built around attacking with Magnezone that are the problem, but, as you already stated, Stage 2 decks are phasing out rather quickly, if not already, so my deck will get better by default. I'm not enthusiastic about taking out Dual Balls for Collector because the Supporters I DO use are so vital to getting turn two KingBuzz out. I could make room for another JA and make some Junipers PONTs, but Dual Ball is not a card I'm willing to take out at this point in time.

Also, you can't use Reversal with Vileplume in play, so that doesn't work.
Stupid me, forgetting the point of Vileplume. If you want some Dual Ball maybe you could remove two Sage's Training to get a 4-2 split of Dual Ball and Collector, or vice versa.
Dark Void said:
Stupid me, forgetting the point of Vileplume. If you want some Dual Ball maybe you could remove two Sage's Training to get a 4-2 split of Dual Ball and Collector, or vice versa.

Sage is the most important Supporter in the deck, I can't cut that either. I'd rather cut Juniper, so I could try that.
you could probably cut a mandibuzz line for 2 dual balls and use the 4 you already have and replace with pokemon collector, so you will have 2 dual balls and 4 collectors in your list
id suggest 3 collector 2 dual ball because dual ball you have to flip so you dont want to be basing it all on luck so 2 is just right in my opinion.
joshA11 said:
id suggest 3 collector 2 dual ball because dual ball you have to flip so you don't want to be basing it all on luck so 2 is just right in my opinion.

It's also a Supporter, and it makes the deck too slow. I've tried running two, and I hate it: it just doesn't work. I'm not running Collector in this deck, any other suggestion is welcome. Dual Balls and hand refreshing (PONT/Juniper) is a much more effective way to fill my bench in this deck IMO.
Deck edited. Still not sold on the idea of Collector in this deck, but I'll try it. So far, the fact that it's a Supporter is still hampering the deck, as hand refreshing is at a premium in this deck. May try 4 Dual Ball again for a while or some combination of Dual Ball/Collector.
Pokegear is kinda gross, I would recommend using more speed trainers, this list has too many hand refresh Pokemon and Supporters to be fast.

-4 Pokegear
-2 Manaphy
+4 Pokeball/Victory Medal, I would recommend Victory Medal, however if you do not own a playset, Pokeball is just as good of an option.
+2 Switch (this can come in handy).

This should make it your list a little bit faster, you have cards to play after your Supporter of the turn. Some Pluspower couldn't hurt either, if you are able to find room for them.