Finished Kingdoms V

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Deadline is supposed to be tomorrow, but due to work and other personal issues, I am forced to bump the deadline back to the 30th, 10 PM (MST).

Reinforce has dropped from the game as well, any challenges made against him that have not been fulfilled may be re-issued.
Event 2
The Cake is a Lie.
^That Statement is True.
^That Statement is False.
*Keeper flips through list. Again.
<Keeper> So I guess there's still a few of you around.
<Keeper> Though we seem to have misplaced Reinforce.
<Keeper> Any thoughts on how the war is progressing that you'd like to share?
<Ice Espeon> Well, I'm winning. :D
<Vom> That's not true!
<Keeper> I asked for thoughts, Vom, not facts.
<Celever> I like cake. That's a thought.
<Brave Vesperia> THE CAKE IS A LIE.
<Ice Espeon> What cake?
<thegrovylekid> The cake waiting at the end of the challenge!
<Keeper> The Challenge is ending? This Year? With cake?
<Juliet> What challenge?
<Ice Espeon> It's a game.
<Celever> Yeah, my game.
<Brave Vesperia> Games are fun.
<Vom> Why aren't we playing a game?
<Ice Espeon> Isn't that what this is?
<Juliet> I thought we were at war.
<thegrovylekid> War is a game!
<Keeper> HOLD IT.
<Keeper> Now, go back to that part with the cake.
<Celever> It's in the kitchen, I think.
<Brave Vesperia> Cake seems to be a recurring theme.
<Brave Vesperia> Still a lie.
<Keeper> Lie or not, EVERYBODY!
<Smeargle> Smearg.
<Keeper> Where is the cake!?
<Celever> Cake is good. That's both a fact and a thought.
<Juliet> I found it!
<Keeper> Good, hand it over!
*Juliet lifts plate with slice of cake.
<Juliet> Why? It's the last piece.
<Brave Vesperia> Is it vanilla? I'll fight you for it if it's vanilla.
<Juliet> Erm, looks like chocolate.
<thegrovylekid> Even better!
<Keeper> There's only one way to settle this!
*Keeper releases Abra.
<Keeper> Make it disappear!
*Abra lifts cake with awesome psychic powers.
*Abra brings cake slice closer.
*Abra eats cake.
<everyone> ...
<Keeper> Not like that!
<Ice Espeon> Oh, look! I found another one! The actual last slice. Mine now.
<Keeper> Alright, everybody! Find your hungriest Pokemon and fight for the slice!
<Ice Espeon> Wat.
<Celever> Why our hungriest? Not our strongest?
<Brave Vesperia> Logically, if our hungriest Pokemon was fighting for that cake, they could be our strongest.
<thegrovylekid> Works for me.
*thegrovylekid tackles Ice Espeon.

Event Rules:​
  • With your night purchases, send in a basic (or baby) (non-legendary) Pokemon, along with a dex entry that involves food or eating in some manner. That is, if you want to participate to win the last slice of cake. And maybe some other things too.​
  • Rest to be revealed at actual start of the Event. Have fun!​
Night 3
Oscuro Mork Castle
<Keeper> And while we're trying to decide on how to decide on deciding who gets the cake.
<Keeper> You can visit the souvenir shops in my castle!
<Keeper> There's also an archaeologist around who seems really interested in fossils.
<Keeper> If you have any, maybe you should show them to him.

TM01 Hone Claws
TM04 Calm Mind
TM05 Roar
TM06 Toxic
TM07 Hail
TM08 Bulk Up
TM11 Sunny Day
TM12 Taunt
TM16 Light Screen
TM17 Protect
TM18 Rain Dance
TM19 Roost
TM20 Safeguard
TM32 Double Team
TM33 Reflect
TM37 Sandstorm
TM41 Torment
TM60 Quash
TM63 Embargo
TM69 Rock Polish
TM70 Flash
TM73 Thunder Wave
TM75 Swords Dance
TM77 Psych Up
TM85 Dream Eater
TM88 Sleep Talk
TM90 Substitute
TM92 Trick Room
TM100 Confide

TM09 Venoshock
TM10 Hidden Power
TM15 Hyper Beam
TM23 Smack Down
TM28 Dig
TM39 Rock Tomb
TM40 Aerial Ace
TM43 Flame Charge
TM44 Rest
TM45 Attract
TM46 Thief
TM47 Low Sweep
TM48 Round
TM49 Echoed Voice
TM51 Steel Wing
TM54 False Swipe
TM56 Fling
TM57 Charge Beam
TM59 Incinerate
TM65 Shadow Claw
TM66 Payback
TM68 Giga Impact
TM74 Gyro Ball
TM76 Struggle Bug
TM78 Bulldoze
TM83 Infestation
TM86 Grass Knot
TM94 Secret Power
TM96 Nature Power
TM98 Power-Up Punch
TM99 Dazzling Gleam

200 Coins:
Air Balloon (unlimited uses)
Type Plates
Red Card
Eject Button
Gems (unlimited uses)
Toxic/Flame Orb

300 Coins:
Evolution Stones
Trade Evolution Items
Expert Belt
Assault Vest

700 Coins:
Life Orb
Focus Sash

800 Coins:
+1 Land

500 Coins:
+1 Rank

200 Coins:
"Get Out of Jail Free" Card
(Freely decline one challenge)

Castle Visitor

<archaeologist> Why hello! I'm visiting this land from a far away region.
<archaeologist> I have a fascination with fossils!
<archaeologist> If you show me any you might have, maybe I could trade you for them?
<archaeologist> I have a few Mega Stones that I've come across in my travels.
<archaeologist> Perhaps those would interest you?

PM Keeper of Night to trade any of your won fossils from the previous day phase for your choice of Mega Stone from a randomized list.
Update PMs to be sent shortly.
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I have... One PM. Pick it up!
Also, the point of the event is that you choose a Pokemon with a dex entry that involves food. A real dex entry. Not a made up one.
You should choose Magikarp! It's talking about it getting eaten, I know, but still...

"For no reason, it jumps and splashes about, making it easy for predators like Pidgeotto to catch it mid-jump."
I love reading through the updates because whatever lines I have in the updates are about the exact opposite of what I would say or do in real life.

10/10 for story.
Wait wait wait. Only three people joined? I really really think you're all missing the point of Events. But I was late to the deadline for personal reasons anyway and am way too tired to write anything now, so I guess you have time. Chop-chop. You have 24 hours.
Event 2
The Cake is a Lie - Round 1
  • This will be a one-on-one Best of 3 tournament. Which means you will battle three times, using your one submitted Pokemon for each match. The first to win two out of three matches will win that round.​
  • There are no restrictions past that! Well, I mean, not really. Not move-wise. But we're in Keeper's kitchen! There's all kinds of random items on the ground. You'll be PM'd what item you will have for that round. You are not required to use the item, but the selection list doesn't include anything bad (probably) so there's no real reason not to. Some of you have already been given the item. if you haven't, you'll be alerted shortly.​
TGK vs Vom
Celever vs IE
Brave vs Keeper
Round ends October 6th at 10 PM (MST).
Event 2
The Cake is a Lie - Round 2​

TGK vs Vom
Brave vs IE
TGK and Vom have still not completed their R1 match, but that's alright, since we had an odd bracket, one of them would have moved straight to the final anyway, so they have untilthis round is over to finish.
Which would be until October 8th at 10 PM (MST).
I had a Lileep.
"It disguises itself as seaweed by making its tentacles sway. Unsuspecting prey that come too close are swallowed whole. It became extinct 100 million years ago."
Unsurprisingly, I lost. I used a Magikarp.

For no reason, it jumps and splashes about, making it easy for predators like Pidgeotto to catch it mid-jump.

Now to look for those cookies...
Event 2
The Cake is a Lie - Round 3

Brave vs Vom
And would you look at that, they already completed their match, which means...

Event 2
The Cake is a Lie - Conclusion
<Keeper> Goof jawb efferybofy.
<Keeper> *munchmunch*
<Brave Vesperia> What are you eating?
<Keeper> *swallow* The cake! I got hungry while you guys were playing.
<Brave Vesperia> But I won that cake!
<Keeper> Whoops! Oh well.
<Keeper> I do appreciate you all cleaning the floor, awful kind of you. Feel free to keep what you picked up.
<Keeper> The sun is coming up soon! Better scurry on back to your kingdoms.
<Keeper> Another day of war awaits!

Every participant will keep the items they obtained, equal to the number of rounds they participated in. (i.e. Vom will have two of whatever item he was given at the start.)

Day update to be up shortly.
Day 4
Weather or Not
<Keeper> Attention, everybody listen up!
<Keeper> There's been a... Slight change to the battlefield, you see.
<Keeper> While we were preoccupied, a huge storm came out of nowhere! And then it stopped. And then it started! And... Yeah.
<Keeper> I blame RSE remakes.
<Keeper> The freak weather has messed up Pokemon considerably, all trying to fix it for themselves, you see...
<Keeper> Amazing how Pokemon adapt when faced with the worst.
<Keeper> Anyway, prepare yourselves for the worst! War isn't easy when weather isn't on your side!

Day Rules
  • Each player has three challenges to use today. A player may not challenge the same person more than twice.
  • Each winner will receive +500 gold to their treasury. Each non-winning player will receive +200 gold to their treasury.
  • Every Pokemon has had it's ability changed to one of the following: Drought, Drizzle, Sand Stream, or Snow Warning. This effect will be present for the entire phase. The abilities have been randomly selected, and will be shown when I send out Kingdom updates.
  • Day 4 ends Tuesday October 18th at 10 pm MST. All matches must be finished and reported by that time.
Give me a few minutes to send out updates.
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Updates should all be sent out, I will update the OP as well.

You must have one match today to avoid modkill. Fair warning.

Edit: Why did nobody tell me the Kingdom names weren't in the OP? Now I feel silly. Added.
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