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Kingdra-Gengar deck


Aspiring Trainer
4-2-3-1Gengar/LVX sf
4-2-3-1Kingdra/Prime LA-Unleashed
2 uxie La
1 Azelf LA
2 Crobat G
25 pokemon

4 bebes search
4 super scoop up
1 cynthia's feelings
2 cyrus' conspiracy
4 poketurn
4 expert belt
2 broken time space
21 t/s/s

6 water energies
6 psychic energies

The strategy is to spread damage to my opponents Pokemon and and knock them out easily with Gengar LVx

If you can help improve that would be much appreciated
I think you should have a 2-1-2 kingdra prime line, because 4-2-4 is a bit beefy for a secondary attacker IMO. add 4 pokemon communications and a collector, then take out 2 expert belt, and 2-3 water energy. Just add lots of consistency cards, like 1-2 more collector, pokedex, poke drawer + etc. Also, I think your strategy is a little off from what I found works best in this deck. I think you need to focus more on the sniping aspect of gengar SF, instead of spreading. 1 spray splash + shadow room = a snipe on a pixie.
This belongs in the Casual Deck Forum. Put the Event and your Division in the title and it can go in the Tournament Deck Forum.


dmaster out.