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kingdra masters trade thread. have 1 flygon x and so many lv.x's

RE: kingdra masters trade thread. have 1 flygon x, 1 luxray gl x and more.

Post deleted. Please be respectful to other members, or they will not want to trade with you. ~DRK176
RE: kingdra masters trade thread. have 1 flygon x, 1 luxray gl x and more.

lets see
you dont have dialga or palkia and the english infernape x is already mine so w/e
you always try to rip me and call me dumm so how about you just let me make my own mistakes and bud out of my business and when do you want for me to come pick up my claydol,unknown g,infernape 4 x.
i need them all really soon.
RE: kingdra masters trade thread. have 1 flygon x, 1 luxray gl x and more.

Ur not really gonna play that deck r u ive been killing it all day cause i made some changes to flygon and unless u can keep me from blasting for 90-100 T2 plus have the X out OMG o wait flygon is god forget arceus lol

Uh next time im at league i wont be here next week
RE: kingdra masters trade thread. have 1 flygon x, 1 luxray gl x and more.

no im not going to play it but i have a extra claydol and i need a palkia g x so im going for it.
im probably going to come over tomorrow to get my stuff so i can build some new decks and
ps. arceus will destroy you.
RE: kingdra masters trade thread. have 1 flygon x, 1 luxray gl x and more.

And i do have dialga and palkia english from ryan today for $ and that hand control junk

Um no it wont u have to play 2-3 of each energy in the deck so it should suck cant wait for it tho itll be fun to toy with killdo some ppl
RE: kingdra masters trade thread. have 1 flygon x, 1 luxray gl x and more.

sure you did.
but your still not getting claydol rh mint unless you want to trade that dialga g x of yours if you really have it.
RE: kingdra masters trade thread. have 1 flygon x, 1 luxray gl x and more.

I have it but itll take more than a 10-18 dollar claydol and btw it aint mint
RE: kingdra masters trade thread. have 1 flygon x, 1 luxray gl x and more.

it was win i let you boroow it so it better still be.
and what do i have to add.
RE: kingdra masters trade thread. have 1 flygon x, 1 luxray gl x and more.

Wait why not turn that RH uxie into something better and omg steven and basketball dont mix
RE: kingdra masters trade thread. have 1 flygon x, 1 luxray gl x and more.

what r u talking about? uxie and doing what with it.
and i know that and could have told you that.
RE: kingdra masters trade thread. have 1 flygon x, 1 luxray gl x and more.

Its not now austin was a f** and bent it u sould see my flygon x
RE: kingdra masters trade thread. have 1 flygon x, 1 luxray gl x and more.

team overdose said:
Its not now austin was a f** and bent it u sould see my flygon x

Team Overdose, you're not just an overdose, you've had an overdose. be nice, please. it's my third day here, and this is the only bad thing I've seen here. It's just a card,man. Don't flip out, you won't die. *trying not to mini-mod*
RE: kingdra masters trade thread. have 1 flygon x, 1 luxray gl x and more.

Turn it into better stuff!!!!

No he played in a game over here
RE: kingdra masters trade thread. have 1 flygon x, 1 luxray gl x and more.

Bright Luxray said:
Would u do flygon lv.x for my Uxie lv.X?

Shining Suicune said:
team overdose said:
Its not now austin was a f** and bent it u sould see my flygon x

Team Overdose, you're not just an overdose, you've had an overdose. be nice, please. it's my third day here, and this is the only bad thing I've seen here. It's just a card,man. Don't flip out, you won't die. *trying not to mini-mod*

If u knew him ud no its not mean but the truthg

O i went off on him he kept grabbing my stuff and bending it i almost pimp slapped 100 lbs off that kid
RE: kingdra masters trade thread. have 1 flygon x, 1 luxray gl x and more.

thats kinda true but thats still mean and hurtfull so keep it to your self dude.
18-1 hahahahaha pariots hahahahahaha
your paying for it though if he did cause i left it in your care and you let him see it so yeah.
RE: kingdra masters trade thread. have 1 flygon x, 1 luxray gl x and more.

I didnt let him i was in a game and jabba the gut snatched it

Hahahahaha 4-2 magic vs cavs serise good job

kingdra Master said:
I will yell at that little kid if he did.

U know as well as i do he aint little
RE: kingdra masters trade thread. have 1 flygon x, 1 luxray gl x and more.

you use it in your deck so how did he get it?
hey at leaste ours wasnt the biggest upset of the year. ha ha
you aint right.
RE: kingdra masters trade thread. have 1 flygon x, 1 luxray gl x and more.

Actually for the 2008-2009 sports season it is
RE: kingdra masters trade thread. have 1 flygon x, 1 luxray gl x and more.

team overdose said:
Bright Luxray said:
Would u do flygon lv.x for my Uxie lv.X?

Shining Suicune said:
team overdose said:
Its not now austin was a f** and bent it u sould see my flygon x

Team Overdose, you're not just an overdose, you've had an overdose. be nice, please. it's my third day here, and this is the only bad thing I've seen here. It's just a card,man. Don't flip out, you won't die. *trying not to mini-mod*

If u knew him ud no its not mean but the truthg

O I went off on him he kept grabbing my stuff and bending it I almost pimp slapped 100 lbs off that kid

1.I can't understand chat speak. 2. don't use bad language,kids here. 3. Not mini-modding.