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kingdra masters trade thread. have 1 flygon x and so many lv.x's

RE: kingdra masters trade thread.

you wanted my Luxury GL lv.X and I want your Gallade 4 Lv.X
I just need to comferm that I can get it.
RE: kingdra masters trade thread. have japanese items and Rising Rivals cards.

1 sp radar
2 aarons collection
1 undergound collection
for your claydol(even the bent up one?)

if not enough
add something else from my list
RE: kingdra masters trade thread. have japanese items and Rising Rivals cards.

Can you send over sea as I need your Dialga Gs and flygons and I have a uxie lv X and a underground expidition LMK
RE: kingdra masters trade thread. have japanese items and Rising Rivals cards.

sorry but i have had bad things happen when i do over seas trading.
RE: kingdra masters trade thread. have japanese items and Rising Rivals cards.

oh ok well I have 8 refs I believe so i am trust worthy but if you dont wanna w/e
RE: kingdra masters trade thread. have japanese items and Rising Rivals cards.

sorry man but over seas trading is expensive and your cards can get lost.
RE: kingdra masters trade thread. have japanese items and Rising Rivals cards.

I have 1 SP Radar, and 2 Aaron's Collection. I'm interested in your Giratina Mini Binder. I know you don't Check lists, but mind checking mine for anything else to add for the Binder? =3

PS: Yeah, but I REALLY don't like Rule #4. If we do trade YOU send first, you have no refs AT ALL. :/
RE: kingdra masters trade thread. have japanese items and Rising Rivals cards.

number four says i dont wish to send first but same time is no problem pretty much.
and sorry but its gone as of 3:30 today.
do you need any thing else?
RE: kingdra masters trade thread. have japanese items and Rising Rivals cards.

AAAAGH! You're kidding me. -_- Sorry, but don't see anything else.
RE: kingdra masters trade thread. have japanese items and Rising Rivals cards.

kingdra Master said:
1-I don't cml
2-I don't send over seas
3-ref rules apply(if you have a negative ref don't even bother posting unless your willing to send first)
4-I don't wish to send first but I will send at same time
5-once we exchange addresses the deal is final. if I didnt send you my address then we didnt exchange them so it don't count.
6-have fun

info-I will be getting a box of rising rivals in a week so the RR want sre not wanted that badly.
I wont trade crazy for the dialga g x and the palkia g x but I will trade good for them. make sure you try to make an offer instead of waiting for me two cause it might take a little while.

my wants:
1-luxray gl x
1-infernape 4 x
1-flygon x
1-palkia g x(big need)
1-dialga g x(big need)
1-uxie x
1-porygon z x(big need)
1-porygon(throw in only)
1-porygon 2(throw in only)

I have all of those highlighted. I do live in the U.K. and if you'll trade here can you let me know.
RE: kingdra masters trade thread. have japanese items and Rising Rivals cards.

I edited your thread. You are not allowed to use other peoples pictures/Photobucket album without their permission (and trust me I personally know Drew G. AKA TheDarkTwins, and he does not give that kind of permission to anyone)

Also you need to change your rule #4. You are not allowed to ask anything from any trainers (sending second, same time, etc.) until you have been here on the forums for 3 Months and have 15+ refs. Seeing as you have none, you are not allowed to do so. If they choose to have you send the same time that is something you agree on, and they agree on, that's fine but other than that you are not allowed to have it as a rule, so that needs to chance otherwise you will receive warns until it is changed.
