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Kingdra prime (Seniors-Cities)


Aspiring Trainer
Below is my Kingdra variant deck constructive criticism is always welcome:)

4-3-4 Kingdra (UL-UL-3 UL Kingdra prime-1 Kingdra LA)
1 Unown Q
2-1 Uxie LA
1 Azelf LA
1-0-1 Machamp (To take out SP)
1-1 Honchkrow SV

3 Seeker
2 Energy Search
1 Luxury Ball
1 Professor Oak's New Theory
2 Expert Belt
1 Palmer's Contribution
2 Pokemon Collector
1 Interviewers Questions
1 Judge
4 Bebe's Search
3 Pokemon communication
4 Rare Candy
1 Volkners Philosophy

4 {W}
1 {D}
1 {F}
2 Call Energy
1 Rescue Energy
1 Rainbow energy

Strategy is to set up Kingdra prime ASAP and get the donk if possible, Umbreon is to stall while getting set up, and Machamp for SP.

I would max out the Broken Time Space and reduce the Rare Candy because of trainer locks and Vilegars out there. Take out the Spiritombs and Umbreon if you want speed. Max out the Machamp to a 2-1-2 so it will be more consistent than just depending on your search. Just test it before you judge it.
I dont have vilegar alot in my meta but I will take out spiritomb and umbreon. The problem is that I dont have 2 SF machamp......
I agree, spiritomb is not necessary in this speed/donk based deck. I would take them out for 2 BTS(you NEED to set-up fast) and another water energy.
If you are under Trainer Lock, you can't play Rare candy. What are you gonna do if you cannot play Machamp? I would take out a communication and add a Machoke.
at yoshidude. If this deck is playing a vilegar it doesnt need to K.O any SP pokemon so its more of a dead draw against a vilegar so i probably would keep the machamp 1-0-1
Far far too many techs. You're never going to get what you need when you need it. Either run Kingdra/Umbreon, or Kingdra/Machamp, but not all 3. In order to make it work you'd need an inordinate amount of Communication which would be trainer locked to heck.