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Kingdra Seniors Any Tournament

It's been said before but seriously, run a second LA Kingdra. It is as good as the Prime. The LA Horsea is also way better than the Unleashed one. I don't think Chatot or Vs.Seeker are needed. And you have way too many Supporters. Take at least 4 away. With 19 there are too many times when you have 3/4 supporters and an Uxie in your hand and you want to get rid of cards so you can draw more but they can't be used so you end up only drawing 3 cards. Which isn't worth it with Uxie. Why is Cyrus's Conspiracy even in here? You only need 1 energy for your pokemon, you have an abundance of supporters, and there isn't any point in wasting a supporter just to get BTS (and odds are you'll already have one out). Cut a PONT, a Collector and a PETM. Max out Bebes, it is the best supporter in the game right now. That brings your supporters to 14, which will be better. You need protection from Luxchomp, 1-1 Donphan Prime could work but it would slow you down. I suggest a 1-1-1 SF Machamp line. If you do, replace 3 of the water energies with Rainbow Energy.

Wow. That was a lot of words. Sorry if it seems like I'm tearing your deck apart, but you keep rejecting other peoples ideas and bumping. (6 bumps!)
Cyrus's is in there for energy retreival because I can barely get my own energy. In any deck I have made, there have been 3 or less Bebe's because I would keep drawing in to them. I made the deck over and tried it against a World Champion LuxChomp and it won by 2 prizes

The tournament leader made the 2 trainer locks I beat, so they weren't bad.
See what I mean? You keep ignoring peoples suggestions and then asking for more! If you're confident with your deck, then stop bumping! If you need energy retrieval so much then run energy search, not Cyrus. I doubt you could beat the world champion. After all, he is the... well world champion. And anyone else running his deck wouldn't do very good because they didn't make the deck. And BTW, this will lose to trainer lock 75% of the time, since you run 40 trainers.
Ok, here is a challenge. If you have an oovoo or a skype account, PM me with your username and you can battle my revised Kingdra deck. (the reason I'm not posting my new one is because of the criticism)
Ok, seriously, stop bumping. You want people to post, then ignore their suggestions. If you like your deck and think it's good, then stop asking for comments. Are you waiting for someone to say it's perfect?
I'm pretty much asking for suggestions I can play with. I can't use only 2 Seadra, or I can't work with 2 Kingdra LA. Nobody is giving suggestions I can use. The only thing I can is not use Emcee's Chatter.