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Kingdra/Yanmega/Jirachi deck


Aspiring Trainer
Hi there PokePeople! ;)

what do you say about this deck? Is it good?

pokemon- 25:
3-3 Yanmega prime
2-1-2 Kingdra prime
2 cleffa HG&SS
2 Tyrogue HG&SS
2 Jirachi HS-Unleashed
2-2 Mismagius HS-Unleashed
2 Bouffalant
2 Shaymin

T/S/S- 21:
2 Professor Juniper
3 Pokemon Communication
3 Pokemon Collector
3 Judge
3 Copycat
3 Rare Candy
2 Twins
2 Junk Arm

Energy- 14:
2 {C}{C}
5 {W}
5 {P}
2 {G}

Any suggestions for improving the deck?

The 2 Shaymin and the 2-2 Mismagius are basically ment to move as much energy to Jirachi. The 2 Bouffalant are good revenger in case the opponent is in the lead and I need to get back to the game.I also think I should drop 1 Bouffalant and 1 Tyrogue to add 2 seeker (to return shaymin to my hand and put it again on bench to activate its poke-power again. should I?

By the way, sorry about any english mistakes :p
I played this deck for a while.... Here are my opinions:

I don't like:

- 2-2 Mismagius HS-Unleashed >It's just not needed, the only energy is important is the Phy and you only need a couple<
- 1 Bouffalant >One's enough<
- 2 leaf
- 2 Phy
- 2 Water
- 1 Cleffa >Tyrouge is a better starter for this deck to start to get the damage rolling<

You don't need very much much energy....

What I think you should add

+ 2 Junk Arm >Getting back those key Rare Candy if they were discarded by Juinper<
+ 1-0-1 Kingdra UL >You need this for your Reshiboar/Tyram match up, it's weird but it helps alot! Reshiboar is your hardest match up<
+ 1 Rainbow energy >Multi usage<
+ 2 Great Ball from EP >You need to get those key Kingdra's/ Yanmega's<
+ 2 Seeker >Picking up those Jirachi's when you need that Time hollow<
+ 1 Sages Training >Getting the energy/Junk arm/Rarecandy<

Hopefully I helped.

foxerish said:
Hi there PokePeople! ;)

what do you say about this deck? Is it good?

pokemon- 25:
3-3 Yanmega prime
2-1-2 Kingdra prime
2 cleffa HG&SS
2 Tyrogue HG&SS
2 Jirachi HS-Unleashed
2-2 Mismagius HS-Unleashed
2 Bouffalant
2 Shaymin

T/S/S- 21:
2 Professor Juniper
3 Pokemon Communication
3 Pokemon Collector
3 Judge
3 Copycat
3 Rare Candy
2 Twins
2 Junk Arm

Energy- 14:
2 {C}{C}
5 {W}
5 {P}
2 {G}

Any suggestions for improving the deck?

The 2 Shaymin and the 2-2 Mismagius are basically ment to move as much energy to Jirachi. The 2 Bouffalant are good revenger in case the opponent is in the lead and I need to get back to the game.I also think I should drop 1 Bouffalant and 1 Tyrogue to add 2 seeker (to return shaymin to my hand and put it again on bench to activate its poke-power again. should I?

By the way, sorry about any english mistakes :p

So by the looks of things, this decks main strategy is to spread as much damage as possible with your Kingdra lines, then sweeping your opponents board with a strong devolution via Jirachi?

Based on my interpretation of your deck list, here are some changes I would make:

-1 Tyrogue
-1 Bouffalant
-1 Cleffa
-2 Junk Arm
-1 Bouffalant
-1 CopyCat
-2 Grass Energy
-5 Water Energy

That is a total of 14 cards taken out of the original list, here are some cards I would add, and the reasoning behind them:

+1-0-1 Kingdra Line (You want to start spray splashing as early as turn two, having at least one Kingdra out would most definitely help with the consistency your deck needs.)

+2 Twins (From your deck list, it is apparent that you are going to be down in prizes early on, allowing a full twins line to really help your deck get to were it needs to be, and also helping you get your Kingdra, Yanmega, or any other potential threat you would need).

+1 Pokemon Collector (This card is viewed as a staple, and rightfully so, allowing you to have a bench of the basics you need on turn one).

+1 Rainbow Energy (In the rare event that you need to dish out damage through Kingdra as your active).

+2 Psychic Energy (The most important form of energy your deck needs, powering up Jirachi for devolution's, as well as allowing Mismagius the ability to attack if needed.)

+1 Rare Candy (Essential for you to get out Kingdra by Turn 2.)

+1 Judge (My personal favorite card to pair with Yanmega, it provides both hand disruption and the ability for you to match hands to Sonic Boom or Linear attack).

+2 Professor Oak's New Theory or Sage's Training (Raw draw support, you already have the Juniper to help discard energies and draw more cards so I would personally go with Oak's, however, Sage's allows you to potentially discard energy and get you the faster Kingdra line. It's really up to you.)

+2 Seeker (To save a damaged poke, to bring back your Shaymin or Jirachi.)

I hope these suggestions help you out, try them out and tell me how it goes, hope I was of some help to you.
Don't add Seeker. I have played this deck forever and Seeker is bad. 3-1-2 is a good Kingdra line, but my biggest advice: Zoroark. It helps with so many matcchups, namely the two most popular decks, TyRam and ZSPT. I used 2 DCE.
Why should I drop all water energy? I want them in case Kingdra need to attack (and I dont think 1 rainbow is enough). besides, I dont want all the energy to be in the prizes or the deck and I wont be able to get them...
Reason as to why no water or grass: It slows the deck down and make jirachi and mismagius useless. If you want the energy for him to attack, my again suggest of rainbow, seeker's, shaymin and max potion, what do you guys think?
I made a few changes to the deck, what do you say?

pokemon- 21:
3-3 Yanmega prime
2-1-2 Kingdra prime
1 cleffa HG&SS
2 Tyrogue HG&SS
3 Jirachi HS-Unleashed
1 Bouffalant
3 Shaymin

T/S/S- 27:
2 Professor Juniper
3 Pokemon Communication
3 Pokemon Collector
3 Judge
3 Copycat
3 Rare Candy
2 Twins
2 Junk Arm
2 Seeker
2 Great ball EP
2 Max Potion

Energy- 11:
2 {C}{C}
5 {P}
4 Rainbow
foxerish said:
I made a few changes to the deck, what do you say?

pokemon- 21:
3-3 Yanmega prime
2-1-2 Kingdra prime
1 cleffa HG&SS
2 Tyrogue HG&SS
3 Jirachi HS-Unleashed
1 Bouffalant
3 Shaymin

T/S/S- 27:
2 Professor Juniper
3 Pokemon Communication
3 Pokemon Collector
3 Judge
3 Copycat
3 Rare Candy
2 Twins
2 Junk Arm
2 Seeker
2 Great ball EP
2 Max Potion

Energy- 11:
2 {C}{C}
5 {P}
4 Rainbow

I would make these changes:

-2 Seeker
-2 Max Potion
-1 Copy Cat
-2 Professor Juniper
-1 Jirachi
-1 Tyrogue or -1 Cleffa

That's a total of 9 Cards open.

I would include these cards to he deck:

+1 Pokemon Collector (Staple, consistency)
+1 Rare Candy (Again for Kingdra)
+1-0-1 Kingdra line
+1 Judge (Hand refresh/disruption/Yanmega support)
+2 Sage's Training (Draw support, higher chance for turn 2 Kingdra)
+2 Professor Oak's New Theory (Raw Draw Support *arguably the best*)

My reasoning for these cards is in my previous post, I put in detail why you should include them.