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Aspiring Trainer
4-2-4 Kngdra (3 prime 1 LA)
2 Uxie LA
2 Crobat G
1-1 Donphan Prime

3 Collector
2 Seeker
1 Lux Ball
3 Bebe
2 communication
4 Candy
2 Warp point
3 Poketurn
2 E-Belt
1 Palmers
1 VS Seeker
3 Cyrus's Cons

6 Water
2 Fighting

i just want to get kingdra back in the meta BTW
standard strategy set up kingdra fast swarm kingdra primes drop damage from crobat and kingdra prime kingdra LA just for a fire counter donphan for luxray counter .seeker to reuse uxie mesprit crobat and kingdra.mesprit to lock something. i will not clogged my bench because of seeker i can retake some pokemon

this list still need your suggestions
and help
You run one Kingdra LA, so your focus is no longer discarding energy.

-3 Junk Arm
+1 Broken Time Space
+1 VS Seeker
+1 Skuntank G

VS Seeker gives us more seeker or whatever we need, 4 BTS gives you the guaranteed early Kindgra you need, and Skuntank G adds extra damage and helps against any Fainting Spellers. Although it doesn't mesh with Spray Splash so well, you should be retreating often and it is often a trade off, not to mention you don't want to lose a Kingdra (Especially an Expert Belted one).
I run a Kingdra very close to this and i agree with Pokemunkulys that if you are only running one LA kingdra you do not need that many junk arms plus you do not run that many energy. If you are going for the swarming Kingdra you got a good start to it. I would run some poke turns for crobat g and maybe some Cyrus's Conspiracy to get them and energy because you are running so few.
-3 junk arm
-1 Candy
-1 Mesprit

+2 poke turns
+2 Cyrus's Conspiracy
+1 Uxie
I like the 3 uxies better then two faster swarm and i do not understand just one mesprit. Also just saying this i hate ssu so i would not run them but i do not know what you would put in to replace 1 or 2 of them.
-3 Bebe's Search (dead draws 90% of the time, especially if you are trying to get a donk)
-1 Junk Arm
+4 Poke Drawer +, get for donks, they will increase your overall deck speed a lot.
-1 Seeker
+1 Skuntank G
Other than that, looks pretty good to me.

Perhaps another Seadra, or switch one Kingdra Prime out for LA (See how it works in testing, I guess) might want another couple water energy, or...Nidoqueen. I know it sounds weird, but it could actually work great with your strategy. Also probably want to add another Expert Belt (Especially if you add Nidoqueen, but even if you don't it would be good).
It's only one Seeker. Not to mention the more Seekers you use, the more your opponent gets to pick back up his or her Pokemon that you Spray Splashed and Flash bit, and remove all of their damage.
I always thought PlusPower was used in many Kingdra decks. I kinda think 2 Cyrus's and 2 Poketurn is enough, and you might want to use 2 PlusPower to increase damage. Just my opinion.
I agree with that. :)

Hmm, I thought Pluspower was common in 'Dra decks. Maybe not.

Since you play only a 1-1 line of Donphan(I understand it is a tech), you should throw in Azelf LA to mae sure you have it when you need it. I would take out either a Bebe's or a P. Comm. for it. :)

Edit: ^That was my suggestion...
Im doing the almost same thing you are doing with kingdra, and your right, seekers do play a role, but so do belts and Pluspowers, you do need at least 2 plus powers. it helps if you dont have LA kingdra and your're up against blaziken, it can bring it up to like 50.
I don't undertsand why you are using any Seeker at all. The point is to snipe with Spray Splash and then KO. Using Seeker would allow them to pick up a bench that has daage on it from SS. SSU would be much better in this case.
seeker for a guarantee of using spray splash
of course i will not play seeker if they will just pick it up i will think first before using seeker
But 4 Seeker is a bit overkill. I would cut it down to 2 and maybe use SSU instead, which opens up room for other things, like Pluspower.
Hmmm...Changes...Changes...Deficiencies...Possible Problems...uh...I guess...

-1 Seeker
+1 Expert Belt?

Lol, it is kind of great. With 4 SSU's, you probably don't even need both Seekers, but 3 E-Belts could help a lot. I honestly can't find anything to change. It has all of the staples, all of the Kingdra techs...how does it test?