• When creating a thread in the Deck Garage, make sure that you post one deck per thread, you use the correct prefix, you have the set name/card number next to each card, you give a strategy for non-metagame decks, and give translations for all cards not available in English.

    When posting in a thread, be sure to explain all your suggestions thoroughly. Additionally, do not ask for advice in another member's thread.



The Ultra Phoenix
Hey guys and girls. This is one of my first real competitive decks and, being relatively new to the competitive card game meta game, is rather weak in my general opinion. This is obviously the reason I am putting it up here. So, without further ado: one of my first ever water decks.
3 Kingdra LA
3 Seadra LA
2 Horsea LA
2 Horsea Unleashed (apologies, don't know the abbreviation)
2 Octillery PT
1 Remoraid PT
1 Remoraid Unleashed
2 Delcatty PT
2 Skitty PT
1 Lucario GL RR
1 Azelf LA
1 Delibird HGSS
1 Bibarel SF
2 Bidoof SV

24 Pokemon

1 Lucky Egg
2 PokeDrawer +
2 Rare Candy
1 Dual Ball
1 VS Seeker
1 Broken Time-Space
1 Sage's Training
2 Professor Elm's Training Method
2 Bebe's Search
1 Seeker
1 Cynthia's Feelings
1 Emcee's Chatter

16 Trainer/Supporter/Stadium

20 {W}

20 Energy

Total: 60 Cards

So, my basic strategy in this deck is get Kingdra out with a loaded hand with energies to do a consistent 60 plus 20 bench snipe and do a ton of damage with Aqua Pump when needed. Delcatty is there to get energy back in the deck and for constant energy feed if/when Octillery gets up for Water Vein. Lucario gives fires x2 weakness so I can do big damage to Charizards come up (I also run one of those decks, so I know what they can do). Azelf is in for Time Walk in case anything big is in the prizes. Delibird I put in for a single big draw if needed(as it will probably only last one turn). Bibarel is just there for early game hits, if Bidoof is in the start hand; 60 for 2 {W} isn't bad.

So, that's about it. All suggestions welcome!
I would add some draw power...2 more poke drawer, Uxie, Professor Oak's New Theory and even 2 or 3 engineer's adjustments to get energy into the discard. I would focus more on Kingdra, so max out Kingdras and Seadras and cut Octillery. 4 Junk Arm would help you get energies into the discard. You might put in a couple of Bronzong SF to get energies from your deck into your hand to be discarded.
Unleashed's abb. is UL.

In all honesty, Kingdra LA is used as a game-finisher. I would rather run Kingdra Prime/LA, with something else you like. Some options:

Blastoise PL/UL(Wash Out)
Donphan Prime(Kingphan)
Gengar SF(Pixie Snipe)

Those are just names I made up myself in parentheses, but feel free to pick one. Then it could be much easier to help you out.

Blastoise PL

Blastoise PL

Kingdra Prime

Gengar SF

Donphan Prime

@Kt3ais, Yeah, I definatly do need to get a better draw power in, but, this deck was mostly built out of cards I have lying around, which includes absolutely no Junk Arm or Engineers. If I had them, I would max out the Kingdra line, but I don't really...
@Yoshidude10, I was actually considering teching Donphan in because looking back, I realize I am royally screwed if Luxray comes around.... so, should I put in a 1-1 line or what? And I would have the blastoises in, but I currently have 1 squirtle PL and no wartortle, I seem to have misplaced them..... but I have been working to get those in somehow.
It's fine if you don't have the cards you need. Play with what you have and add more cards as you go on to make it better. That's what I did when I started out(though my Premier Rating suffered, I've managed to get it back up). Donphan is good for Luxray match-ups and others, so maybe run a 2-2 line and some Fighting energy.