Kingra Prime ideas?


Aspiring Trainer
So I making a deck about this card :

Kingra Prime :

I want to combine it with Mandibuzz, and I figure that Umbreon(CoL)is great in this deck.
So tell me what do you think?
Also you can suggest other pokemon lane ups. Like Solo kingra or something.
The idea is pretty decent as an alternative to Kingdra/Yanmega, though what will Umbreon help you wall? the only thing i can think of is helping to wall against Magnezone prime, but alot of lists run 2/3 Pokemon Reversal with a about 1/2 Junk Arm so they will have ways around Moonlight Fang.
Kingdra/Cinccino is a pretty fun and good one.
Killed a ZPS once with it, mine is pretty much based around abusing DCE a much as you can,
I think this is the basic pokemon line:
4-2-3/1 (3 Kingdra Prime/1 UL)
3-3/4-4 Cinccino
1 Bouffalant.
2 Cleffa
1 Tyrogue
Shaymin Lv.X said:
Kingdra/Cinccino is a pretty fun and good one.
Killed a ZPS once with it, mine is pretty much based around abusing DCE a much as you can,
I think this is the basic pokemon line:
4-2-3/1 (3 Kingdra Prime/1 UL)
3-3/4-4 Cinccino
1 Bouffalant.
2 Cleffa
1 Tyrogue
ZPS requires lot more luck than you think. My friend also plays KingCino, it's great deck with great speed but it's power is not really all that great against bulky decks aka those with dragons. Unless they unlucky. (especially with ZPS)
Deidara. said:
İ Cant play KingCino beacuse in my meta - toooo much stelix/scizors.
Any ideas?

If your meta is about 80% metal types, why don't you play a Fire deck instead?

Anyways, to stay on topic; Kingdra works great with cards like Yanmega (Prime), Magnezone (Prime), Mandibuzz, Simisear, Hydreigon, Honchkrow (UD), the regular Kingdra (UL), and anything else that you can think of that snipes, or is usually 10 to 20 damage short of reaching the ''magic numbers'' of your meta game?

(with ''magic numbers'' I mean the universal HP your metagame holds, if it's big on Steelix and Scizor, 120 to 160 are your ''magic numbers'')
James said:
If your meta is about 80% metal types, why don't you play a Fire deck instead?

Anyways, to stay on topic; Kingdra works great with cards like Yanmega (Prime), Magnezone (Prime), Mandibuzz, Simisear, Hydreigon, Honchkrow (UD), the regular Kingdra (UL), and anything else that you can think of that snipes, or is usually 10 to 20 damage short of reaching the ''magic numbers'' of your meta game?

(with ''magic numbers'' I mean the universal HP your metagame holds, if it's big on Steelix and Scizor, 120 to 160 are your ''magic numbers'')
No,sry I dont want to play fire deck.
What do you think about mY idea Kingdrabuzz with umbreon?
Deidara. said:
No,sry I don't want to play fire deck.
What do you think about mY idea Kingdrabuzz with umbreon?

it's a good idea to include umbreon against Steelix and Scizor prime, but be sure to have favorable matchups with Kingdra and Mandibuzz as well, concerning your meta? =)
James said:
it's a good idea to include umbreon against Steelix and Scizor prime, but be sure to have favorable matchups with Kingdra and Mandibuzz as well, concerning your meta? =)

Im playing 3-2-2 kingra prime (1 kingra ul)
Should i put 3-2-3 prime? for more sniping?
And should i add +1 Lane up Umbreon beacuse I am playing 1-1 Umbreon..
Deidara. said:
Im playing 3-2-2 kingra prime (1 kingra ul)
Should i put 3-2-3 prime? for more sniping?
And should i add +1 Lane up Umbreon beacuse I am playing 1-1 Umbreon..

I suggest:
4-3-4 Kingdra line (3 Prime and 1 normal one)
4-4 Mandibuzz
2-2/3-3 Umbreon
X Cleff
X Tyrogue

X is the number how much you'd like to include of them, and this also depends on the rest of your deck of course =)
Hmm, thats ok. But instead of Cleffa and Tyrogue İ will play Elekid..
Btw some guy suggested me Creselia - Darkai Legend instead of Umbreon. Also he said that İ remove 4 Energy Search for 4 Psy- for legend. But thata inconsistend for energy. :/
I kinda like the idea of DCL, you could do a couple of things if you are worried about the Psychic Energy being a dead draw. One thing that you could do is play Rainbow Energy and the other idea that I have is playing Jirachi UL. Umbreon is really useless, most things either don't have powers or Bodies, or they will just Reversal around the Umbreon. I like the idea of Elekid ok, but I wouldn't play too many, people are getting good at killing babies.
So what do You suggest?
Well İ got an idea.
İ can play Darkness and Psychic energy without water(so İ use only 3 kingras prime for power) and im sniping around with Mandibuzz, then go DCL and switch counters for prizes. U think that can work?
Rainbow would be better. And why is this thread here if you already have the deck posted in the deck garage?
Well I want new ideas, in deck garage people only fix my deck.
And İ wont play rainbow - told you too many scizors at my meta.
Well if Steelix Prime and Scizor Prime are big decks in your local meta then why not just tech in a 1/1 Entei-Raikou Legend or Entei-Suicune Legend. Either one would require you to run at least 2/3 {R} energy, Entei-Raikou Legend would be the better choice as it can attack for 2 energy unlike Entei-Suicune Legend which attacks for 3 energy. That way you can still run Cinccino while not clashing too much with the enegy line.
Yes you are right about energy line.
But the main idea is combaining Kingra and Mandibuzz with something.
If I throw in Cinccino and Entei-Raikou it will be hard to get all out. You know what I mean?
Oh, i thought you just intended ro run Kingdra/Cinccino and were throwing Mandibuzz around as an idea if people were to just combine Kingdra with something. You would only be running a 1/1 Entei-Raikou Legend line anyway. In this case you would have to run maybe 3 different energy lines.
Yes I know. And I see that.
Thank you for everything. I will test it and let you know how it went.
X_empoleon_X said:
Oh, i thought you just intended ro run Kingdra/Cinccino and were throwing Mandibuzz around as an idea if people were to just combine Kingdra with something. You would only be running a 1/1 Entei-Raikou Legend line anyway. In this case you would have to run maybe 3 different energy lines.

True, but if you're aiming for Thunder Fall, dont forget all your Kingdra's will take 80 recoil as well; that can sometimes cost you games, so keep that in mind!