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KingraBuzz / Umbreon


Aspiring Trainer
So this is the deck that im going to play in this format.
Fix it please(i know it isnt perfect - maybe even not good ) Sooo lets start :

Pokemon: 22
4 - 4 Mandibuzz BW
3 - 2 - 2 Kingra Prime - 1 Kingra UL
4 Elekid(baby)
1 - 1 Umbreon COL

Trainers: 23
4 Energy Search BW-93
4 Rare Candy UL-82
3 Switch x BW-104
4 Pokemon Communication BW-99
3 Professor Elm's Training Method GS-100
3 Professor Oak's New Theory CL-83
4 Pokemon Collector GS-97

Energy: 15
7 Water Energy
4 Dark Energy
4 Special Dark Energy

Tactics :

If i dont get Kingra and "Buzz" early i start spreading dmg with elekid. Then I set up and game starts .

Umbreon gets in play when I have problems with pokemons i cant handle.

Should i Get Umbreon extra 1 - 1 lane up in deck?
PLS FIX - all.
-3 Water energy (4 is fine)
-1 Dark energy (you have enough)
-4 Energy search (this is useless because you may aswell put energy here)
+3 DCE (for blindside and Kingdra UL)
+1 Jirachi UL (for devolving)
+2 Judge (for disruption and hand refreshment)
+2 Pokemon reversal (to snipe around stuff or ko it with kingdra)

Hope I helped.
Tyranodon said:
-3 Water energy (4 is fine)
-1 Dark energy (you have enough)
-4 Energy search (this is useless because you may aswell put energy here)
+3 DCE (for blindside and Kingdra UL)
+1 Jirachi UL (for devolving)
+2 Judge (for disruption and hand refreshment)
+2 Pokemon reversal (to snipe around stuff or ko it with kingdra)

Hope I helped.

All is ok - and i will make a change but.

I dont want to play DCE - in my meta to much scizors playing around - thats not good.
Everything is ok, but What about my Pokemon Lane up?
Do i need to play 3 Kingra primes - for sniping. Or i need 1 UL?
And whats up with umb. lane up?
Deidara. said:
All is ok - and i will make a change but.

I don't want to play DCE - in my meta to much scizors playing around - thats not good.
Everything is ok, but What about my Pokemon Lane up?
Do i need to play 3 Kingra primes - for sniping. Or i need 1 UL?
And whats up with umb. lane up?
In my KingBuzz I found that having a starter (Absol prime is what I used to use.) actually holds the deck back, but how is Elekid working out for you? I would like to give more advice but would you mind telling me what decks are in your meta?
the aura is with me8 said:
In my KingBuzz I found that having a starter (Absol prime is what I used to use.) actually holds the deck back, but how is Elekid working out for you? I would like to give more advice but would you mind telling me what decks are in your meta?

My meta is like :

Mass Stelix/Scisor
Machamps Prime
And some randomssss.

Elekid is working fine to start with.
Helps spreading dmg while i set up Kingdra. Tested Absol and i can say Elekid is working better.
the aura is with me8 said:
How often can you get damage spreaded around?

Always. Starting with elekid. Then set up Mandibuzz or Kingdra - Depends on situation. But the deck works.
Maybe instead of Umbreon you could use 1-1 Darkrai & Cresselia legend and take out 4 Energy Search for 4 psychic energy.
Hmmm, İ will give it a try. But the point of the deck is spreading and sniping. Umbreon is wall vs Stelix and stuff. İ think it will be hard to focus on legend..
Ok if you want to keep Umbreon how about still taking out the Energy Searchs and a Switch or a Rare Candy for a DCL and 3 psychic energy?

EDIT: Also your Kingdra line would probobly be better as 3-2-3 Kingdra prime, 2-2-2 Kingdra prime or 3-2-2/1 Kingdra prime/regular UL Kingdra.
hmmm :
I tough and I figure a way.
So let me what you think.

I go like this :
3-2-3 Kingra prime(not my main attacker, only for power - spreading dmg around)
4-4 Buzz' for sniping - awesome.
2-2 DCL - attack with psy - so i arrange dmg counters and I draw some prizes.
3-4 Elekid to spread

So i Remove Umbreon - its a wall yes, but not a good one.
Tell me what you think? Can it pass?
I'd never use more than 2 elekid. It's only for the start of the battle and you can just search it out with collector or dual ball.
Deidara. said:
hmmm :
I tough and I figure a way.
So let me what you think.

I go like this :
3-2-3 Kingra prime(not my main attacker, only for power - spreading dmg around)
4-4 Buzz' for sniping - awesome.
2-2 DCL - attack with psy - so i arrange dmg counters and I draw some prizes.
3-4 Elekid to spread

So i Remove Umbreon - its a wall yes, but not a good one.
Tell me what you think? Can it pass?

That actually sounds pretty good, playtest it and tell me how it goes.