Kirbymon Paradise Island!!

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RE: Kirbymon Paradise Island!! I Take Requests!!


Here's the kirbymon!!
RE: Kirbymon Paradise Island!! I Take Requests!!

Can I get a birthday Kirbymon? A lucario and suicune standing next ot eachother would OWN!! Thank you
RE: Kirbymon Paradise Island!! I Take Requests!!

INFERNAPE do you do birthday pokemon in the TC's
RE: Kirbymon Paradise Island!! I Take Requests!!

@INFERNAPE wow you've taken my idea and taken it to the extreame :F
RE: Kirbymon Paradise Island!! I Take Requests!!

ash ketchup: They look good! But i want to do that request sorry.

SuicuneEX: Sure!!!!!

bulbasaur45: Yes i do! What do you want?

ssb4ever: Thanks!! If it wasn't for your brilleant idea i would not have this great shop!!
RE: Kirbymon Paradise Island!! I Take Requests!!

kay can i have the same TC but all of the pokemon are birthday one
RE: Kirbymon Paradise Island!! I Take Requests!!

Sure just give me a little bit cause i have alot of request.
RE: Kirbymon Paradise Island!! I Take Requests!!

firemaster777: Here they are!!

SuicuneEX: Here they are!


Just remove the - next to both the ! Please give credit to me!

bulbasaur45: Here it is!! [IMG] Sorry i could't add the ballons cause they could't fit.

Just remove the - next to both the
RE: Kirbymon Paradise Island!! I Take Requests!!

kay thanks but i think ill just stick with my old one sorry for wasting your time
RE: Kirbymon Paradise Island!! I Take Requests!!

No problem it only took like 3 mins. Ya it is pretty crappy....Sorry. I like the 1st one better!
RE: Kirbymon Paradise Island!! I Take Requests!!

What was wrong with my finished product? (Not trying to start a flame war, just wondering)
RE: Kirbymon Paradise Island!! I Take Requests!!

Nothing it's just i wanted to make them. If i dont give you the request it means i want to do it.
firemaster777: Here they are!
RE: Kirbymon Paradise Island!! I Take Requests!!

Sure. Do you mean Abomasnow??? If not what do you mean??
Ok here it is!!


Remove the - next to both the
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