Kirbymon Paradise Island!!

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RE: Kirbymon Paradise Island!! I Take Requests!! Now have over 80 Kirbymon already done!! Just added 5 new Kirbymon!!

Sure! Here it is!


Remove the - next to both the
RE: Kirbymon Paradise Island!! I Take Requests!! Now have over 80 Kirbymon already done!! Just added 5 new Kirbymon!!

thank you!
soory to bug you a little but can i have the code for Mudkip Kirbymon too?
He's one of my favorite pokemon!
Oh and also can you pm me or post on here how to change/set the avatar?
RE: Kirbymon Paradise Island!! I Take Requests!! Now have over 80 Kirbymon already done!! Just added 5 new Kirbymon!!

no problem thank you
RE: Kirbymon Paradise Island!! I Take Requests!! Now have over 80 Kirbymon already done!! Just added 5 new Kirbymon!!

No prob. Here is the Mudkip code!


Just remove the - next to both the .

1st copy the image of Kirbymon you want on the 1st page. Then make a file of the Kirbymon you want on your computer. When your done with that click 'browse" when on the "change your avatar page".

Browse for the file and your done! It might take a little while for the avatar to appear. Make sure the file saved under "JPG". LMK if you need anymore help![hr]firemaster777: Your welcome!
RE: Kirbymon Paradise Island!! I Take Requests!! Now have over 80 Kirbymon already done!! Just added 5 new Kirbymon!!

how do i put him in my signature, and not as my avatar?
RE: Kirbymon Paradise Island!! I Take Requests!! Now have over 80 Kirbymon already done!! Now making Kirbymon Banner's!!

Just copy the code and put it in! It should show up.
RE: Kirbymon Paradise Island!! I Take Requests!! Now have over 80 Kirbymon already done!! Now making Kirbymon Banners!!

it shows up as a hyper link to the picture
RE: Kirbymon Paradise Island!! I Take Requests!! Now have over 80 Kirbymon already done!! Now making Kirbymon Banners!!

here is the code again. Put this exact link in your sig but remove the - next to the
RE: Kirbymon Paradise Island!! I Take Requests!! Now have over 80 Kirbymon already done!! Now making Kirbymon Banners!!

Cool-kirby banner's!

Let's test your ability (just seeing how you're doing)

Banner: ALl fire starters 1st stages. Words: We're still young, but the fire burns deep inside!
Background: Flames.
RE: Kirbymon Paradise Island!! I Take Requests!! Now have over 80 Kirbymon already done!! Now making Kirbymon Banners!!

Got it ash!
RE: Kirbymon Paradise Island!! I Take Requests!! Now have over 80 Kirbymon already done!! Now making Kirbymon Banners!!

thank you it worked.
RE: Kirbymon Paradise Island!! I Take Requests!! Now have over 80 Kirbymon already done!! Now making Kirbymon Banners!!

Great!!! Thanks for giving credit!
Here it is!


Just remove the - next to both the
RE: Kirbymon Paradise Island!! I Take Requests!! Now have over 80 Kirbymon already done!! Now making Kirbymon Banners!!

Wow! Much better than I expected. You're doing a fine job! ;)
RE: Kirbymon Paradise Island!! I Take Requests!! Now have over 80 Kirbymon already done!! Now making Kirbymon Banners!!

Thanks again ash!
RE: Kirbymon Paradise Island!! I Take Requests!! Now have over 80 Kirbymon already done!! Now making Kirbymon Banners!!

Sorry for the delay guys. As you know the forums wher not working so it said firemaster777 and the person who ordered the Machamp Kirbymon never posted.

firemaster777: Please REPOST what you want the text to be on the banner with the Kirbymon.

Well here is the Machamp Kirbymon
. Please give credit to me.

Machamp Kirbymon Code:

Just remove the - next to both the
RE: Kirbymon Paradise Island!! I Take Requests!! Now have over 80 Kirbymon already done!! Now making Kirbymon Banners!!

Can I have A poop kirbymon pleaze?!!????111111111111111111?????!!! :) :( :mad:
RE: Kirbymon Paradise Island!! I Take Requests!! Now have over 80 Kirbymon already done!! Now making Kirbymon Banners!!

Uhhh ya i guess..... Just give me a little while ok.
RE: Kirbymon Paradise Island!! I Take Requests!! Now have over 80 Kirbymon already done!! Now making Kirbymon Banners!!

Can I work here please.
RE: Kirbymon Paradise Island!! I Take Requests!! Now have over 80 Kirbymon already done!! Now making Kirbymon Banners!!

FMP i pm'd you!
RE: Kirbymon Paradise Island!! I Take Requests!! Now making Kirbymon Trainer Cards!!


Can I have A poop kirbymon pleaze?!!????111111111111111111?????!!! :mad:



Don't ask -_-


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