Kirby's Epic Yarn


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So, yeah. I just got this game and played it for a couple hours. I just wanted to get some opinions from other people who played it. What do you guys think about this game? Sure, it's really kiddy but the artistic style is simply amazing, not to mention the gameplay is classic platformer. I honestly do think this is one of the best Wii games to come out.

dmaster out.
I agree. The best part for the little kids is that you can't die. I guess the real challenge though would be getting the beads for each and every level including the boss battles. I really want this game for Christmas since I'm a huge Kirby fan. Plus I want to kill things as the tank/robot transformation.
It is a great platforming game, and I think the concept of using yarn was very creative. The graphics are also very Kirby-ish. What really hasn't been making me play the game lately is how easy Epic Yarn is. You can't die, and you can probably go through each level on Gold on your first run.

The game's definitely supposed to be for the younger players. I still wouldn't call it a bad game though.
Culex, don't expect it; the Tankbot is only in three stages.
This game is amazing! It's so creative, cute (I would rather not kill the Waddle Dees), and fun due to the use of yarn.
Although you can't die, I constantly get hit and lose a ton of beads, which makes it severely aggravating. It may just be me since I suck at video games (lol), but still. I find it challenging enough.

dmaster out.
I love this game. I beat the last level under a week, but I'm trying to get all the extras (Gold in every stage, all the fabric, all the furniture, etc.)

And yea, it's still frustrating to lose beads, especially when you're going for gold.
Hey, when has a Kirby game not been overly easy and directed at kids? Some people act like it's a new thing to Kirby :s

Personally I think the game is utterly fantastic. I've only played the first two levels with someone, but I was having a ball the whole time discovering all the creative ways they used the arts and crafts theme. Like, on the second level, I almost squealed with wondrous delight when I discovered that the 'bees' coming out of the hive were, in fact, adorable little yellow buttons <3

You can really tell a ton of thought and effort went into the game, and not only in the art style, but in how the art style influences the gameplay. Oh, oh, and what I heard of the music is really great too :3

Does c-m still come 'round these parts? He was really excited about the thought of a new Kirby game at E3, so I wonder what he thinks of it. I hope he likes it :<
Kirby 64 was my favorite Kirby game that exsist, I love making new power ups.
Kirby 64 a challenge? Er, maybe to some, but like any Kirby game I've played, its easy to breeze right through it. I nearly completed five worlds in a two hour sitting at a hotel several years ago. You know, when they used to have pay-by-the-hour N64 playtime in most hotels.

Or maybe you were being sarcastic. Probably :s

Either way, being easy isn't a bad thing. And it's only the main part of the games that are easy; getting all the extras and such usually takes skill.
I think the only Kirby game that's even slightly challenging is Dreamland 3 and that's only if you want to fight the real final boss :\

Epic Yarn looks like fun! I don't really mind not dying, I just like my platforming action.
This is an extremely fun and charming game....

Until you get a Second Player in.

I don't know why, but I had so much more fun playing alone then I did with other people because of the screen problem. Y'know, where it won't move if someone's on the far left any you want to move right? =X Maybe it's just my quick-paced, no patience playstyle lol.

And the speed in which you can beat the game! My word, I got 88% in... 9 hours? Keep in mind I play for about 2-3 hours a day on a new game, until I beat it then become bored again bleh. And I wasn't missing all that much else... Except for the Minigames, but those are just a pain in the butt with 2P to me. Again, fast-paced no patience player here. ;D


It's a very fun game, as long as!

a.) You don't play for multiple hours at a time
b.) You don't care about how simple it is, you just want your (>^.^)> -Poyo! =D x3
and last but not least
c.) You have patience... If you will be playing together with someone.

Don't let my complaining make you think it's no good though, I loved it, it's just... It's already on Ebay because $50 for 10ish hours is crazy. =P
Leafy101 said:
Culex, don't expect it; the Tankbot is only in three stages

After completing the game (not 100% yet though), I can say that it's actually in four stages...Which is quite a bit counting all the transformations. Each one appears about three/four times.

dmastet out.
@Leafy101 So i`m not the only one who doesn`t want to eliminate the Waddle Dees
I really like the game it is really a very good game, fun and a great platformer
@SotS: Highly disagree. Multiplayer is so fun in the game. What platformer allows you to grab your opponent and throw them in a pile of spikes? Or repeatedly in the water until they quit? Besides, teamwork actually plays a part in the game. Sometimes I had to jump and throw my uncle up to reach a part, then he would throw me back up.


Unless you get it with one of your apartment freinds, I have only counted:

Grass Land Stage one(I think)
Dream Land Whispy's Forest
Yin Yarn