Hey, when has a Kirby game not been overly easy and directed at kids? Some people act like it's a new thing to Kirby :s
Personally I think the game is utterly fantastic. I've only played the first two levels with someone, but I was having a ball the whole time discovering all the creative ways they used the arts and crafts theme. Like, on the second level, I almost squealed with wondrous delight when I discovered that the 'bees' coming out of the hive were, in fact, adorable little yellow buttons <3
You can really tell a ton of thought and effort went into the game, and not only in the art style, but in how the art style influences the gameplay. Oh, oh, and what I heard of the music is really great too :3
Does c-m still come 'round these parts? He was really excited about the thought of a new Kirby game at E3, so I wonder what he thinks of it. I hope he likes it :<