Klingklang Energy acceleration?


Aspiring Trainer
heres an idea I came up with (I dont know if it is already a deck, I dont pay much attention to the tcg world) but here it is

4 rayquaza EX
2 Mewtwo EX
1 Tornadus EX
2-2-2 Klingklang

so, you start of T1 using Rayquaza's Celestial Roar to grab a metal energy or two.
then on T2 you should have a Klingklang ready to go, so use shift gear to bring Ray's metals over to a benched Mewtwo EX, Tornadus EX, ect... big attack early, PLUS the regular healing strategy of the deck! For this to work, you would need probably 16 metal Es in the deck... and Ray does not have a free retreat, so you'll lose an energy that way... but there are ways around that.

So, will this work???

(again, sorry if this is already a deck!)
Probably not since you'd most likely end up discarding important stuff like Rare Candy. Maybe if you ran it with Pokedex and take out some Rayquaza. I see it taking up too much space.
Celestial roar is not very reliable, often discarding important cards. Also rayquaza ex only takes fire and lightning so he is a dead card in a metal deck. In regards to rayquaza retreat. Sky arrow bridge takes care of that as well as giving tornados ex more power for his first attack.

You are going to have to pick either rayquaza or kling klang. They don't work well in a deck together.

If you want a quick first turn hitter go with mewtwo tornadus and landorus (all ex's of course) and of you want energy quickly maybe make it a ho-oh deck.

If you want the flexibility of a kling klang deck you will have to sacrifice some speed and focus on consistency.
Would Ho-Oh work as an energy acceleration. Rebirth to get three metal, and shift gear them off to you attacker or whoever.
You have 3 attackers... and there is to much stuff needed to operate Klingklang to make any kind of consistency with roar
I think Rayquaza EX as a starter would be amazing but lucky but still great idea! I am going to try it out.

Cool idea wrong deck to put it in.