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Klingzor (Klingklang/Scizor)

can this deck defend against tyram?

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here's a deck I thought of making so I could practice or use it in worlds. The current deck i'm using is 4 corners (See 4 corners edited by emolga2254 for more details) and I thought is this deck better?

Here's the deck I'm thinking about it. It's not built yet but i'm thinking:

4-4 scizor prime (UD scyther 2 attacks, prime scizor)
4-4-4 klingklang (bw all)
4 skarmory
1 tyrouge/cleffa (which is better?)

4 collector
3 interviewer's questions
2 elm's training method
3 defender (anything better to defend against tyram?)
3 communication
2 reversa
2 junk arm
1 fisherman
19 tss

4 sp {M}
11 {M}

15 energy

Use skarmory to power up an early scizor. Klingklang is a tech tomove energies around. Keep the scizors coming and win the game
Could probably drop 1 or 2 lines of the klingklang because its probably more of a tech than a front line fighter
If you want to defend against tyram maybe tech in a samurott (ability) because it uses colourless energy so you can move the energy with klinklang.
I'd probably thin down the klinglang line for that.
Cleffa >>>>>> Tyrogue. Cleffa can get rid of bad hands. Tyrogue can get rid of Cleffa, but some people play Manaphy instead, not as worth it as it was in Nationals IMO.

Also, please include the set number of the Scyther. Thanks :D
take out 2-3-2 klinklang (2-1-2 is good) and 3 defender. - 10. add a 3-1-3 sammarot (the good one) for the fire matchup line and 3 candies to get your samourott and klang out.