• When creating a thread in the Deck Garage, make sure that you post one deck per thread, you use the correct prefix, you have the set name/card number next to each card, you give a strategy for non-metagame decks, and give translations for all cards not available in English.

    When posting in a thread, be sure to explain all your suggestions thoroughly. Additionally, do not ask for advice in another member's thread.

klinkconrers (klinklang tornadus cobalion regigigas and more)


is addicted to sonic plushies :)
3-2-3 klinklang bw
2 tornadus
2 cobalion
1 regigigas ex
1 zekrom ex
1 shaymin ex
1 kyogre ex
2 zekrom
4 rare candy
3 pokemon comunucation
4 dual ball
2 super rod
2 cilan
2 revive
3 heavy ball
3 n
4 pont
2 juniper
5{M} energy
3 {L} energy
4 prism energy
2 dce

the strategy is use klinklangs ability to move energy to pokemon that need them more then other pokemon and just like sixcorners use the different pokemon to attack and counter others decks
with the movability of energy, you could use max potion for the sake of healing the EX's ridiculous health.
-1 Zekrom EX
-3 Lightning
+4 Rainbow Energy.
Zekrom EX is useless in this as you want to keep as many energy into playas possible.
KadyShack707 said:
with the movability of energy, you could use max potion for the sake of healing the EX's ridiculous health.


Max Potion is the WHOLE point of the deck. I'd take out most of your Pokemon and add in heavy hitters + tanks for that reason. Some of the popular Pokes I saw in this deck were Darkrai EX (free retreat), Mewtwo EX (for other Mewtwos), Groudon EX and Kyurem EX.

You should take out all of the Lightning and 1 Metal and add 4 Rainbow Energy. The 1 damage doesn't matter that much as you're dealing with all those heavy hitters.
Can't wait for the Registeel... he'll make this deck a lot better, as the metal energies could doo him well, even without the prisms
I dont' understand this dude... he fills the Deck Garage with decks without any synergy between the cards, people give him advices and he never replies...

I bet he never build a single of his deck posts in real.... so whats the deal of it?
This deck is a legit deck (although it has some glaring weaknesses), but his list could use some work.
If you do go for 4 Rainbow, 4 Prism, and Sp. Metals, then make sure you keep some regular metals as well. If you don't, enhanced hammer/ lost remover will completely decimate you, especially when you have no form of acceleration.