Idk man i just don't like specific cards being the top of the meta for months and months on end. I know it's not fun. WE all know it's not fun. Was it fun to see ADP+Z for the 7,562nd time and not have any fun to use decks that reliably countered it? Or ReshiZard? No. The people making this game loving introducing Pokemon they know will become the kings, queens and princes of the format and then don't give any good tools to use against them until AFTER the card rotates. That's why these cards are still played a lot in expanded- people know they still work. At least in the mainline games there's hundreds upon hundred of reliable options that can conceivably take something overpowered (granted stats are a lot more important in the main games) down, but the tcg chooses to not even give us a couple for something that, realistically, just need one good opponent. I don't think we should be afraid to recognize this.