Klinklang Viability?


Swift Swimming Away...
So, when Keldeo/Blastoise came out in Japan, I was stoked. I couldn't wait to play it. Then, last weekend, I went to my first cities of the season, and more than half the people there were aging it. Now, for most people, this wouldn't be that big a deal, but I've always disliked playing the absolute top-tier decks.
So I've been considering reverting back to my Klinklang deck for a while, but I'm worried about Landorus. There weren't many at the tournament, but I know that if they get a turn one Landorus on me (which would be really easy) it would be almost impossible to set Klinklang up. Is there a trick, or a tech, or something that would make it easier for me to win against Landorus decks? Or should I just stick with Keldeo for a bit?
Klinklang does surprisingly well in the current format. It's extremely difficult to make a good list, but if you can, the combo of Keldeo, Darkrai, and other huge attackers can completely flatten metagame decks. T1 Landorus hurts, but as Infinity mentioned, Keldeo can help against it, and if you swarm the Klinks they won't be able to take them all out before you get a Klinklang.

As a note though, Klinklang can have problems with Keldeo/Blastoise because Keldeo can OHKO Klinklang (although you can even run something like Sigilpyh to help out against it.) If there are tons of Blastoise decks in your area then Klinklang might not be the absolute best choice, but it's still a very viable deck with the right build.
Klinklang is AMAZING in this format. On TheTopCut stream yesterday they were streaming from Leonardtowne MD cities, and the winner used a combination of black kyurem EX, keldeo EX, and darkrai EX among other things so you can hit for 150 with Black Kyurem EX, then rush in with keldeo EX, use shift gear to move a prism energy to keldeo EX, then retreat for free with darkrai EX out and send the same black kyurem EX up, and the affect that you cannot attack next turn gets reset because it was sent to the bench and back. Also they cannot catcher stall you if they catcher your klinklang because you can rush in with a prism and retreat for free if darkrai is out. In my klinklang I use registeel EX to spread 30 to EX's and then hit all of the EX's with black kyurem EX every turn and take 6 prizes quickly. I use a lot of other things, but those are the notables.
@Qwetry Ditto
That Black Kyurem trick seems really cool. Is it more of a gimmick or is it a viable overall strategy?
It's pretty viable. You also can OHKO Lando if needed with Keldeo and get rid of any damage with Max Potion.
Lumos77 said:
@Qwetry Ditto
That Black Kyurem trick seems really cool. Is it more of a gimmick or is it a viable overall strategy?
It is a viable overall strategy, but I still think that you need to tech other things in to counter your meta.
Lumos77 said:
@Qwetry Ditto
That Black Kyurem trick seems really cool. Is it more of a gimmick or is it a viable overall strategy?

It's not the entire strategy (don't revolve your entire focus around it) but it can become really handy if you need it. After softening things up with Landorus, Darkrai, or whatever, BKEX is a complete tank that just barrels through the opponent's field.
Yeah bk ex is great. I inspired daddy to play it and he did real well. It's parastals too and is just awesome.
I saw this really good match Juunkmilk showed me that used Klinklang,Darkrai,Shaymin EX,Terra EX, and Mewtwo. he won both rounds against blasteo. all i gotta say is, i'm building a deck like that.
Thanks, everybody, for all the responses! I posted my list here http://www.pokebeach.com/forums/thread-klinklang-but-with-black-kyurem-ex with the B. Kyurem EX idea, but I have major problems with space. Just in general, how do you balance between techs and consistancy and overall strategy in Klinklang?
Lumos77 said:
Thanks, everybody, for all the responses! I posted my list here http://www.pokebeach.com/forums/thread-klinklang-but-with-black-kyurem-ex with the B. Kyurem EX idea, but I have major problems with space. Just in general, how do you balance between techs and consistancy and overall strategy in Klinklang?

As a general rule of thumb, consistency and main strategy > techs. Many of the cards you add as techs are often just "hey this could really help with one matchup" cards that you don't need rather than cards you want for your main strategy. You normally don't want to have less then 14 supporters, 6 search, and 11-12 energy. After you have all the staples (like Catcher), then you can begin to add personal techs. Remember, the main strategy of Klinklang is to tank through every hit thrown at you and literally let nothing on your field with energy ever die (because if it does, you could be in a tight spot.) Keep that strategy in mind while building the deck and never let the temptation of an unneeded tech throw that strategy off.

Just one thing people should remember: this auto losses to hammertime.

This is a great example of something you should just accept and not try to tech for. You're going to lose this matchup anyway, so just focus on improving all of your other matchups rather than attempting to tech for this one.
Blah said:
Lumos77 said:
Thanks, everybody, for all the responses! I posted my list here http://www.pokebeach.com/forums/thread-klinklang-but-with-black-kyurem-ex with the B. Kyurem EX idea, but I have major problems with space. Just in general, how do you balance between techs and consistancy and overall strategy in Klinklang?

As a general rule of thumb, consistency and main strategy > techs. Many of the cards you add as techs are often just "hey this could really help with one matchup" cards that you don't need rather than cards you want for your main strategy. You normally don't want to have less then 14 supporters, 6 search, and 11-12 energy. After you have all the staples (like Catcher), then you can begin to add personal techs. Remember, the main strategy of Klinklang is to tank through every hit thrown at you and literally let nothing on your field with energy ever die (because if it does, you could be in a tight spot.) Keep that strategy in mind while building the deck and never let the temptation of an unneeded tech throw that strategy off.

Just one thing people should remember: this auto losses to hammertime.

This is a great example of something you should just accept and not try to tech for. You're going to lose this matchup anyway, so just focus on improving all of your other matchups rather than attempting to tech for this one.

As long as you can set up a Terra EX and get Metals into play, you'll have a chance. There is a tech for that matchup though, and it fits in quite well.
RogueChomp said:
As long as you can set up a Terra EX and get Metals into play, you'll have a chance. There is a tech for that matchup though, and it fits in quite well.

If you could manage to set up Terrakion EX you wouldn't even need the metals.
alex said:
RogueChomp said:
As long as you can set up a Terra EX and get Metals into play, you'll have a chance. There is a tech for that matchup though, and it fits in quite well.

If you could manage to set up Terrakion EX you wouldn't even need the metals.

XD well probly, but Enhanced Hammer still wrecks you.
I was exaggerating. My point was that the reason it's an autoloss is because you never will get a Terrakion EX up.
Cooltrainer Alan said:
You COULD run recycle but its not that good of an idea.

It wouldn't help. For starters, it's a coin flip, and second, they can just hammer away whatever energy you get back. By the time you set something up again, you'll have lost.

And as I mentioned before, it's better to just accept the auto-loss to that deck and focus on improving your other matchups, rather than putting in stuff like Recycle to attempt to improve it.