Kyerum EX Any way to use it?

Well, you could use it with Dodrio, skyarrow bridge, and blissey or shaymin. It could also be used with vileplume to be a
3 Kyurem EX
1-1 Blissey
3-1-2 Vilelpume
2-2 Dodrio
2 Shaymin

combo, though it might be pretty hard to set up and will definitely not make tier 1, or 1.5 probably. Like a haxorus deck but quicker. Instead of dodrio and sky arrow, it could be replace with vanilluxe but it will take too tong to set up, and it will kind of be horrible.
Not really. 120 damage from an EX card is pretty outclassed by the better EX's; the ones that do more damage or don't need support. You can always use it with Feraligatr, but it's not going to be a good deck.
it can't stand alone as a main attacker but it can serve decently well as a tech, discarding the massive amount of sp energy in the format now.
^ I never said it will be any good, but it was the only deck I could think of that uses Kyurem EX as a main attacker at the moment. Kyurem EX would be a tech against Reshiram/EX. I used some in my Reuniclus/Vileplume and EXs deck since it has high hp and can have damage stacked on it and can OHKO a Reshiram or Reshiram EX.
It's stupid good in google and can make a solid tech in tool box decks.
Celebi23 said:
Not really. 120 damage from an EX card is pretty outclassed by the better EX's; the ones that do more damage or don't need support. You can always use it with Feraligatr, but it's not going to be a good deck.

Pretty much this.

Kyurem EX has one thing going for it though - it slaps Reshiram decks in the face. With the amount of hype that Reshiboar/Phlosion is getting, it might be worthwhile to add him to a Six Corners-esque deck if you see it being played a lot in your area. As other have pointed out before, it does fit well in The Truth-esque decks.
Well you could always change up the Kyugatr deck into your own rogue deck and take the world by storm... That's kind of my plan. Hehe :p IMO the card is pretty good against EXes. It can discard a Special Energy while doing 60 damage with Frozen Wings, so, against Mewtwo EX, if they have a DCE attatched to help the X Ball attack, then you could discard it, and the turn afterwards (unless they heal or have an Eviolite attatched) you could go for a Knockout with Hail BLizzard, as that attack does 120 damage, which KOs any EX who hasn't been healed or has Eviolite. The only flaw IMO is that you can't use Hail Blizzard twice in a row, but at least Frozen Wings does discard that Special Energy. In addition, it's only weakness is to Metal, and the only Metal card in decks right now is Cobalion in 6 Corners, so, it doesn't have to worry about weaknesses to any deck match-up (except, of course, for 6 Corners). All in all, Kyurem EX is good if it fits your deck and playing style. I personally know that I'll be playing a Kyugatr EX deck, and I don't really care what other people think. I'm not much into it for winning, more for just playing.


Personally, I think Kyurem EX works great in 6 Corners. Especially if you're in Seniors and people are still playing Reshiphlosion. Besides the fact that your opponent has to take two prize cards when they KO it, Kyurem EX has many downfalls. The below are just a few of them:

A Weakness to Cobalion: While CaKE is not the BDIF, nor the most popular deck in the format, a weakness to Cobalion could still be troubling if your opponent managed to surprise you with CaKE. Not just that, but Durant has been rising in popularity lately, and quite a few Durant builds run Cobalion.

Three Retreat Cost: A huge retreat cost could be a real pain here. This card's attacks will rarely OHKO your opponent's Pokemon and because of this fact and the huge retreat cost of this card, it will just sit on your bench as Catcher bait for your opponent.

It's 'best' attack is terrible: 120 damage might look good, but for 4 energy it isn't. Just look at Reshiram and Zekrom. They both do 120 damage for three energy, and with side effects that are no where near as terrible! So what is Kyurem's side effect? It can't use the attack during your next turn. Lame!