Kyogre EX is the worst EX made in english. I'll just say that for starters.
The card has a respectable 170HP, nah, that's alot of HP.
The first attack is hard to set up, it takes two turns and it only does 30 damage, the you may switch is nice, but I'd like to see it for just 1 water energy and you must switch. The second attack does 50 to two pokemon, that can KO Tynamo, and any low HP pokemon. Yet costs a ridiculous {W}{W}{C}, that is very hard to set up.
The weakness is the nail in the coffin for Kyogre, being weak to Electic is a real pain when there is Zekeels around the corner at all times, and it has that, terrible 4 retreat cost.
Art: Oh for crying out load, I love this guy's art. Sooo much.
Non FA: 9/10
FA: 8/10