Kyogre V from “Crown Zenith” Main Set!

Water Pokémon Master

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Another card from Crown Zenith‘s main set has been revealed!
Kyogre V was originally a Gym promo players could get in promo booster packs during the summer.


#37 Kyogre V


#46 Rotom VSTAR


#51 Radiant Charjabug


#120 Greedent V


#GG05 Lapras


#GG17 Thievul...

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Rotom VSTAR is #46, not #145

Also, Kyogre V being #37 is on pair with the list TPC released for Worlds, so no number updates for now.
TFW Kyogre V is weaker than both baby Kyogre and Amazing Kyogre.
Often happens with promo-exclusive cards in Japan. Printing a powerful card on a limited distribution method (gym promos are from store tourneys/events only) can have dumb side effects.
Often happens with promo-exclusive cards in Japan. Printing a powerful card on a limited distribution method (gym promos are from store tourneys/events only) can have dumb side effects.
Like Cram-o-matic that became highly expensive in Japan because it was also a gym promo but became a staple in Mew VMAX lists in the West.
Like Cram-o-matic that became highly expensive in Japan because it was also a gym promo but became a staple in Mew VMAX lists in the West.
Yup. Cram-o-matic went up to ~1000-2000 Yen per copy in Japan and other TPC regions (it still is!), while it's only cents in TPCi regions, since it's widely available in boosters as an uncommon.