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Kyurem and Hydreigon - Bench Sniping


Aspiring Trainer
Hello everyone, I have been playing the Pokemon TCG for some time now and I have finally decided to start myself a rogue deck. This is my first time posting here so please be as critical as possible, it will only help me. Thanks.

Here is my list.

Pokemon: 19
Kyurem NV x2
Kyurem EX ND x2
Hydreigon NV x4
Zweilous NV x2
Deino NV x4
Terrakion NV x2
Colbalion NV x2
Cleffa COL x1

Trainers: 21
Professor Juniper x2
Bianca x2
N x2
Rare Candy x2
Pokemon Collector HS x4
Plus Power BW x2
Eviolite x2
Energy Search x2
Energy Retrieval x2
Super Rod x1

Energy: 18
Special Darkness Energy COL x4
Prism Energy x4
Rainbow Energy x4
Double Colourless Energy ND x4
Basic Water Energy x2

Total Count of Cards: 58, 2 Slot free.

The goal of this deck is to bench snipe. Kyurem NV is supposed to be the main attacker. Hydreigon NV is supposed to be the secondary attacker. And Kyurem EX is supposed to be the brute force that may be needed to take out anything close to 120 hp. The Terrakions and Colbalions are there to counter some of the metagame's strongest attackers, such as Zekrom EX, Zekrom, Magnezone, and Mewtwo EX. I am trying to bench snipe for this deck while being able to counter some of the metagame's threats.

The problems that I have been noticing is that this deck runs horribly in terms of using its energy properly. I am usually drawing into DCEs and it's hard to really slap that onto a Kyurem, Terrakion, or Colbalion knowing that it would go to waste. I have also noticed that trying to search out any energy is hard since I am running mostly special energies. I am thinking of cutting out the energy searches and retrieval because I am sure that they cannot pull out any special energies. Help in trying to strengthen this deck is appreciated. Thanks again.
Ok try this
-2 plus power
-2 bianca
-2 energy search
-2 energy retrieval
-1 kyurem EX
-1 clefa

+1 shaymin UL
+1 kyurem
+2 rare candy
+4 professor oaks new theory
+1 juniper
+1 N
+2 pokemon comm
Thanks for the quick response. Should I really take Cleffa out? Cleffa seems really useful for stalling until I get everything set up. Also, should I really add 2 more rare candies even though I have a 4-2-4 with 2 rare candy line already? I do like the other changes that you listed, thanks!
Definitely go with the 4 Rare Candy. It will never be there when you need it otherwise.

Also, if Bench Sniping is your theme have you considered adding Mandibuzz from BW? It doesn't snipe as wide but it has better energy synergy with your Hydreigon line.
You can keep clefa and maybe drop a cobalion I know he's your mewtwo counter but is really try to get mewtwo to counter easy better then cobalion alone
You're lacking draw power. Try a line of 2 Juniper, 2 PONT and 2 N, and 2 Cheren or Sage's, because Bianca's not very good. Also, 1 or 2 Shaymin UL would help a lot and so would fewer energy, so:
+1 Shaymin UL
+1 Cheren
To fill your 2 open spots.
-2 Bianca
+2 Sage's
-2 Energy Search
+2 Rare Candy
-4 Spec. {D}
+2 Switch
And I will post more changes later.
Thanks for the responses everyone:

RichD: Thank you for the rare candy tip. I have considered Mandibuzz, but I am concerned that Mandibuzz will get one-shot by the metagame's bigger Pokemon.

Darkrai909: I would like to get a Mewtwo, but I cannot afford them right now; I am sticking with my Colbalions for now. Thanks.

Magnezone_Elf: Thank you for your suggestion on better draw power. In terms of the energy cut, is it really worth cutting down on the energy? My concern is trying to get a sufficient amount just in case my fully charged pokemon are knocked out. Is there a particular card that is standard legal that can grab special energies from the discard pile?
Too many energies. You could always use some energy acceleration I think. Try using more draw power as said above and try some pokemon communication/heavy ball to help set up. Try catcher and junk arm too. Jirachi may help too I think.
Thanks for the response Jirachi. Should I cut my energies down to about 14? If I am thinking correctly; the whole point of draw power in this deck is to mitigate and to make up for how I cannot search any energies and to maintain the staple of having some draw power, is that correct? I have been considering Electrode Prime for Acceleration, but it would just make it another CoKE deck that is clunky. Also, thanks for the suggestion of catcher, junk arms, not sure about using Jirachi, probably considering a Shaymin. Thanks again.