Kyurem combo ideas?

I'd say you can try getting Kyurem and Gatr ASAP, attack twice with Kyurem and then you can KO every turn with Gatr's attack and plus powers. Maybe also play SSU and Solrock/Lunatone TM.
I actually have been testing a Kyurem/Feraligatr Prime/Jirachi/DCL deck and it's really great, better than many people think. You should only need 'Gatr out for 1-2 turns so you can put at least 3 energies onto 2 Kyurems. If they catcher and kill Gatr, let them, you have an extra turn to use Kyurem. If they don't, just keep using Gatr. If you run fishermen, you can get your energies back. You don't need trainerlock because catcher doesn't matter much as long as you can get atleast 1 Kyurem out for at least 1 turn. Catcher never hurt Typhlosion, Emboar, or magnezone. Ok, it did a little bit, but Yanmega'zone and Reshiphlosion are still some of the most dominant decks this format anyway. Jirachi and DCL are great, too. I think I will try running it when it comes out. I still don't know how good it will be, but for now it's looking great. Fast spread FTW!
It has lot of potential combos

Mandibuzz (B&W)
Darkrai & Cresselia Legend
Kyogre & Groudon Legend
Suicune & Entei Legend
Personally depending on how popular Cobalion is in Noble Victories, I see Kyurem being played in alot of popular decks nowadays such as MewPluff to help get around Reshiphlosion and DonChamp, ZPST for the same reason as well also however Tornadus might be better for cycling energies around so it's debatable on that one I guess.

Plus with Eviolite being a popular choice over Defender that helps it even more in terms of survivability with at least 20 HP remaining. I also see Kyurem being played in Stage 1 decks as well possibly in Donphan/Zoroark/Yanmega variants. As a deck by itself Kyurem has potential but as a tech it's popularity really depends on the popularity of Cobalion and I have a feeling Cobalion might not be that popular with Reshiphlosion but then again it's kinda risky.

I see it being amazing against Beartic but yeah I think Kyurem should be fine overall, it's like Zoroark but without having to evolve and taking a hit. Just know that when you use Outrage your opponent is going to be taking a prize as well. The second attack Glaciate is alright but only when you're running Kyurem as it's own deck instead of a tech to counter specific threats in the metagame.
I just had the idea of playing this with pichu starter. you could start with pichu and then your opponent will fill up their bench and then bring out kyurem for max effectivness and then a DCL to finish up the job(maby)
i was thinking about running kyurem when the EX came out, so having a 4 kyurem (2 Glaciate/2 EX) with feraligator as a second attacker (the none prime one has spinning tail that also does 30 damage spread) running 4-2-4 line, i was also thinking of using Politoad UL for "free retreat" for all water, especially with kyurems ex's second attack that doesnt let you use the attack again next turn. Just keep switching. Run seekers to pick up damaged kyurems and raindance energy back.

/catcher is always a problem but shouldnt sway people form playing interesting decks, and also, YOU can play it as well and disrupt just the same as your opponent can.
^Exactly my thoughts.

The problem is that when you're not KOing the Active about every two turns once you're set up, be prepared to get OHKO'd or 2HKO'd repeatedly by your opponent's Active that you're not really doing a lot about. And you don't get a continual stream of prizes for the most part, and that hurts more than you think it would– good prizes mid-game can keep the attack going.

Gengar Prime had this problem– it couldn't really do anything about getting 2HKO'd repeatedly, whereas other decks could hope to slow the opponent down by KOing stuff. That is, in my opinion, why it got so much hype that just fell through the cracks here.

I agree that Feraligatr would be best to pair with this (although Floatzel+Shaymin certainly is interesting), but Catcher is a problem still. That 3 Retreat Cost is not fun (almost as bad as Emboar's), and this deck would only be able to survive by running a few Switches. But with 2 Catcher and 2 hits, the Feraligatr is gone as soon as it comes up– and less with Reshiram/Zekrom and 2 PlusPowers.
Kyruem is good because of Outrage in my opinion. The spread attack will be hyped, and I don't think it is that good. Outrage will be good though because it will be a good Donohan and Reshiram counter (not as much Reshiram as it will be a Donphan counter). Decks will Reuniclus will be able to pick the perfect amount for Outrage, and if you put a Kyruem active against a Donphan, if Donphan attacks Kyruem, Kyruem can return the damage and ko Donphan.
That's as a tech, and not as its own deck. I agree, it could be useful there, but I was just saying that as its own deck, I don't see it living up to the hype.
It won't live up to the hype. I'm saying it will pretty much only be good as a tech. Also, anything with Reuniclus basically destroys it.
how about a blastoise/feragilatr/kyurem deck???

Name ( idk yet)
Blastoise, UL-13 (3-1-3)
Feraligatr (Prime), (2-1-2)
3x Druddigon
3x Kyurem
2x Cleffa

2x Energy Retrieval, BW-92
3x Pokemon Communication, BW-99
2x Pokemon Catcher, EP-95
2x Switch, GS-102
4x Rare Candy, UL-82
4x Professor Oak's New Theory, CL-83
2x Engineer's Adjustments, UL-75
2x Judge, UL-78
3x Pokemon Collector, GS-97
2x Interviewer's Questions, CL-79
14 : Water Energy, BW-107

Scizorliscious said:
^Exactly my thoughts.

The problem is that when you're not KOing the Active about every two turns once you're set up, be prepared to get OHKO'd or 2HKO'd repeatedly by your opponent's Active that you're not really doing a lot about. And you don't get a continual stream of prizes for the most part, and that hurts more than you think it would– good prizes mid-game can keep the attack going.

Gengar Prime had this problem– it couldn't really do anything about getting 2HKO'd repeatedly, whereas other decks could hope to slow the opponent down by KOing stuff. That is, in my opinion, why it got so much hype that just fell through the cracks here.

I agree that Feraligatr would be best to pair with this (although Floatzel+Shaymin certainly is interesting), but Catcher is a problem still. That 3 Retreat Cost is not fun (almost as bad as Emboar's), and this deck would only be able to survive by running a few Switches. But with 2 Catcher and 2 hits, the Feraligatr is gone as soon as it comes up– and less with Reshiram/Zekrom and 2 PlusPowers.

what about this deck?

Name ( idk yet)
Blastoise, UL-13 (3-1-3)
Feraligatr (Prime), (2-1-2)
3x Druddigon
3x Kyurem
2x Cleffa

2x Energy Retrieval, BW-92
3x Pokemon Communication, BW-99
2x Pokemon Catcher, EP-95
2x Switch, GS-102
4x Rare Candy, UL-82
4x Professor Oak's New Theory, CL-83
2x Engineer's Adjustments, UL-75
2x Judge, UL-78
3x Pokemon Collector, GS-97
2x Interviewer's Questions, CL-79

14 : Water Energy, BW-107
basically I use the Druddigon/ celffa to stall to give me time to set up with kuyrem like if you have any recomendetions for this deck please let me know! :)
londyne said:
basically I use the Druddigon/ celffa to stall to give me time to set up with kuyrem like if you have any recomendetions for this deck please let me know! :)
Tropical beach or rocky helmet if you want to stall to give time for set-up
I had thought about teching Kyurem in Blastgatr as an early attacker myself. I'm glad I'm not the only one. This itself might be a decent play because it gives Blastgatr some nice speed and adds the extra damage it would need for fast KOs. Since washout can then move Kyurem's energy to Blastoise, it avoids the problem of setting up more energy if they're not drawn into. Blastoise also solves the problem with Reuniclus, while Glaciate can KO Solosis really quick. A well built deck with these three pokemon could all make for a really good matchup against google/Gothetelle. However, I'd run two Kyurem maximum. I know some people swear by SEL, but lighting weakness with two prizes is really bad, and I don't see a legend being that much easier to setup than a stage two, and I think the washout pokepower is really important when making the transition from Kyurem to your heavy hitter.

You really have to be running 3-1-3 Feraligatr though, if not 4-1-3. Much like Magneboar, if you want any consistency at all, you have to run multiples of your basics.