Kyurem combo ideas?

That's a lot better than 2-1-2. That's currently the line I use in Magneboar (though I would love to fit a third Boar sometimes). It should be okay given that Feraligatr isn't as critical late game, seeing as once you get a lot of energy in circulation with Blastoise, it tends to stay there, unlike a Reshiram/RDL that discards or a Magnezone that hurls energy into the lost zone.
I think a deck could be created with Kyurem, but through out this thread and my own play testing I have doubt if this dragon will get a deck revolving around it like the other two have. Maybe it is just me but I have not been able to make him successfully work as a main attacker. All though his weakness is seen as almost nothing in this format, he is weak to Cobalion which should be seeing play as a tech. In Japan, some Reshiphlosion/boar decks have a Cobalion tech to rip holes through Kyurem. The problem with Kyurem is that it can not OHKO the active. Only with it's outrage can it become a threat to the active.

That said, Kyurem will see play, but as a major threat I am not to positive about anymore.
I think more on a version with more devasting bench damage.
I think to build the deck more up on hydreigon with ferilgator for the energy's. To geht some multiple prices kyurem would work fine with hydreigon and for some metatech i would add some kingdra's.
The only weakness which make a giant appearance is the fact of the many stage 2 evolutions, but the idea sounds fine in my ears.
DerManaRitter said:
I think more on a version with more devasting bench damage.
I think to build the deck more up on hydreigon with ferilgator for the energy's. To geht some multiple prices kyurem would work fine with hydreigon and for some metatech i would add some kingdra's.
The only weakness which make a giant appearance is the fact of the many stage 2 evolutions, but the idea sounds fine in my ears.

Hydregion/Feraligatr doesn't work, since Feraligatr only attaches to Water Pokemon. Emboar/Hydreigon does work, however.

But still, I prefer running Kyurem over Hydreigon because it's a Basic/Stage 2 over a Stag 2/Stage 2, so Kyurem is much easier to get out.