I was browsing the legends cards the other day, and thinking about how i dont see many of them in decks. I read through a few and thought that the DCL (Darkrai & Cressilia LEGEND) was a really intresting card to run in conjunction with Kyurem and Hydreigon's spread damage attacks. Let me know if this could work.
Pokemon : 25
4 Kyurem
4 - 2 - 4 Hydreigon
4 - 3 Electrode Prime
2 - 2 DCL
T/S/S : 21
3 - PONT
3 - Twins
2 - Collector
2 - FSL
3 - Black Belt
3 - Rare Candy
3- Legend Box
3 - Communication
Energy : 14
7 - Water
3 - Psychic
4 - DCE
The main strategy of this deck is to get Kyurem and DCL out, then put myself behind in prizes with electrode to activate twins and blck belt. Use a black belt to increase Kyurem's glaciate damage from 30 to 70. Then dish out that damage to all opposing pokemon. Afterwards send out DCL to distribute the damage how i want. Hydreigon is simply for easy spread damage. FSL (flower shop lady) is in case i discard a kyurem or part of DCL. DCE is for hydreigon, as he turns all energy into dark energy.
Any critiques, criticisms, or comments are most appreciated, Thanks.
Pokemon : 25
4 Kyurem
4 - 2 - 4 Hydreigon
4 - 3 Electrode Prime
2 - 2 DCL
T/S/S : 21
3 - PONT
3 - Twins
2 - Collector
2 - FSL
3 - Black Belt
3 - Rare Candy
3- Legend Box
3 - Communication
Energy : 14
7 - Water
3 - Psychic
4 - DCE
The main strategy of this deck is to get Kyurem and DCL out, then put myself behind in prizes with electrode to activate twins and blck belt. Use a black belt to increase Kyurem's glaciate damage from 30 to 70. Then dish out that damage to all opposing pokemon. Afterwards send out DCL to distribute the damage how i want. Hydreigon is simply for easy spread damage. FSL (flower shop lady) is in case i discard a kyurem or part of DCL. DCE is for hydreigon, as he turns all energy into dark energy.
Any critiques, criticisms, or comments are most appreciated, Thanks.