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Kyurem / Lugia EX / Crobat


Aspiring Trainer
Pokemon: 16

  • 4-4-3 Crobat
    3 Plasma Kyurem
    2 Lugia EX
Trainers/Supporters/Stadiums: 32

  • 4 N
    4 Professor Juniper
    2 Shauna
    3 Pokemon Fan Club
    2 Lysandre
    3 VS Seeker

    3 Colress Machine
    1 Plasma Ball
    3 Ultra Ball
    2 Muscle Band
    1 Silver Bangle
    1 Dowsing Machine
    2 Switch
    1 Escape Rope
Energy: 12

  • 6 Water Energy
    4 Plasma Energy
    2 DCE

The main strategy is attack as early as possible. And set up golbat/crobat. I use 3 fan club so I can use it T1 and get zubats as early as possible and evolve them next turn or can be use late game to search for Lugia to finish the game. Kyurem is the main attacker, the goal is a T1 Frost spear with manual attachment and colress machine and a T2 blizzard burn. Switch/ E. Rope is good. Using switch-kyurem-bats shenanigans after using blizzard burn the previous turn. Lugia is mainly a finisher. Any suggestions?
-2 Pokemon Fan Club (Speed Lugia generally don't need it)
-1 Ultra Ball (Don't need 4)
-1 VS Seeker (Should only need 2)
-1 Scramble Switch (Computer Search is better)
-1 Escape Rope/Switch (Shouldn't need it)

+1 Colress Machine (Consistency)
+2 Shadow Triad (Awesome Plasma card)
+1 Bicycle (Consistency)
+1 Computer Search (Superior)
+1 Plasma Ball
Between the 4 N, 4 P Juniper, and 2 Shauna, you may not be able to utilize your Pokémon Fan Clubs effectively since the PFC will "clash" at times when you need to draw cards and fill our bench. so, I'd suggest replacing 1 and 2 PFC with 3 Bicycles in order to help you get through your deck with minimum Supporter clashes.

Also, you may want to incorporate a few AZ in order to recycle your Crobats.
So I will completely remove my fan club? I want my zubats out as early as T1.
AZ, I don't provide that much support for the bats. They're not my main source of damage output. But I still might consider it though.
You should take 2 PCF; you should be able to get enough Zubat out using the draw supporters.
I suggest -2 PCF +2 AZ
AZ is really good, even if you don't plan to use much support. They can do heaps of damage.
I think I would consider 1 AZ because I have 3 VS seeker and a dowsing machine. I think you're. I might get enough bats with the draw support. I'm thinking of adding a frozen city just for the counter stadium plus extra 2 damage counters. Thoughts?
There are so many stadiums right now that i dont think a one of stadium in your deck would be worth it that much. Many decks are playing 3-4 stadiums so right after you put it down they will have another one in there hand.