Kyurem NV / Groudon EX??


Aspiring Trainer
Can anyone think of a possible way to use Kyurem's glaciate attack paired with Groudon Ex's Giant Claw attack. Glaciate will spread 30 damage per pokemon across the opponents side, allowing groudon to do extra damage when he enters the battle. The problem here is that both attacks require 3 energy. I know that {W}{L}{F}{M} Blend energy could be beneficial, but at the same time, many Sableye hammertime shenanigans are happening. Is there a good way to pair up Kyurem and Groudon EX??
RE: Can anyone make this sort of deck??

This thread'll probably be moved like mine but oooohhh well. This deck idea has a good strategy behind it but would be so incredibly inconsistent and slow to set up. However, I am willing to post a skeleton I came up with just now. This is just a prototype, note that I include one unlimited card that you can replace after rotation.

4x Virizion
4x Groudon EX 
4x Kyurem 
2x Shaymin UL

4x Professor Juniper
3x N

4x Ultra Ball
4x Pokemon Catcher
4x Eviolite 
4x Switch 
2x Random Receiver
2x Super Scoop Up
1x Super Rod

6x Fighting
6x Water
4x Prism
2x DCE

Card Explanations:

Virizon: The main starter of this deck that for one colorless energy allows you to draw two cards. You can also attach prism to start leaf walloping. Think about decreasing this line or adding your own starter.

Shaymin: Pairs with super scoop up in order to allow you to move energy from your groudons or kyurems to a fresh new one. When this is rotated out take a look at your energy lines.

N: Takes the place of PONT and allows you to slow down your opponent in order to set up.

Eviolite: Allows you to better use outrage if need be. Pairs great in this deck cause of all the basics.

Switch: Needed in order to get that turn 1 Virizion and retreat your heavy retreat pokes.

Super Rod: Purely for recovery.

DCE: Instant outrage.

Strategy: Start either Virizion or Kyurem depending on your hand and set up a bench consisting of Groudon, Kyruem, and Shaymin. Never bench Virizion in order to save space. Spread damage with glaciate and hammer away with Groudon.
RE: Can anyone make this sort of deck??

*Moved to Competitive Collective*

In the future, please only put tournament legal decks in the Deck Garage. Also, please edit the title to include the names of the main Pokémon. Thank you.
RE: Can anyone make this sort of deck??

I tried building a Zebstrika/Kyurem/Terrakion with a single copy of Groudon deck yesterday to try and abuse WFLM and the spreading idea, with EXP Share I was getting decent results as a sort of disruptive deck. However I wasn't getting the speedy setup that I was hoping for with Zebstrika, so I don't exactly know if the list is really worth it.

I guess you could just sort of run Kyurem and Groudon in a Quad fashion, or you could work them into a Klinklang-esque kind of deck.
RE: Can anyone make this sort of deck??

If you're going HGSS-on, then Electrode Prime would probably be a good choice. Kyurem is usually paired with Electrode anyway. And Electrode makes Rainbow Energy easier to deal with. If you were thinking BW-on, then Terrakion EX (Once it comes out) could help with the odd energy types. And is also another fighting type.
RE: Can anyone make this sort of deck??

silver116 said:
2x Shaymin UL

4x Professor Juniper
3x N

Wait... Shaymin? If this was buit for HGSS-On, why is it lacking PONT and smeargle?
RE: Can anyone make this sort of deck??

LanturnPrime said:
Wait... Shaymin? If this was buit for HGSS-On, why is it lacking PONT and smeargle?

I mentioned before the list that I included a couple unlimited cards. Which of course can be switched outcemwhen rotation comes about.
RE: Can anyone make this sort of deck??

Electrode would be your best bet. I also recommend to put kyogre ex in it too.
For BW-on i would recommend klingklang.
RE: Can anyone make this sort of deck??

yeah if your going with not black and white on, a CaKE (or GaKE in this case) build would probably be your best bet.
RE: Can anyone make this sort of deck??

mrwillster said:
yeah if your going with not black and white on, a CaKE (or GaKE in this case) build would probably be your best bet.

How about Klinklang/Kyurem/Groudon?
^I was just about to say this. Tech Kyurem in Klinklang, and you can do the combo. The thing is, you already have Darkrai and possibly Kyogre to do the combo as well, so it's not really needed.
Matryoshka said:
^I was just about to say this. Tech Kyurem in Klinklang, and you can do the combo. The thing is, you already have Darkrai and possibly Kyogre to do the combo as well, so it's not really needed.

When I played Meganium the Kyurem/Groudon combo won me 2 games at one BR. With rotation Darkrai becomes a lot more unreliable, as the WLFM doesn't have dark (obviously).