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Kyurem Spread


Aspiring Trainer
4 Kyurem
2 Kyurem EX
2 Sigilyph
1 Kyogre EX

9 Water
2 Prism

4 Juniper
4 N
4 Cheren
2 Bianca

4 Pokemon Catcher
4 Ultra Ball
4 Exp. Share
3 Super Scoop Up
3 Switch
2 Tool Scrapper
2 Super Rod
2 Energy Switch

Set up an early Kyurem, and use Exp. Share to stream them, spreading 30 to everyone and using Kyurem EX to pick up one shots off the softened Pokemon. Sigilyph is used to engage in "Mewtwo wars" that end up being pretty one sided, and Kyogre is used for game ending double snipes.
I think 2 Juniper is enough, especially when running 4 Ultra Ball. I think you should add a few more Energy Switches in to help power up that Sigilyph/Kyruem EX when you really need them. I don't think using Exp. Share is incredibly necessary, but I will admit it does help. I'd throw in a few Eviolites to protect your Pokemons

-2 Juniper
-1 Cheren
-1 DCE (see above)
-2 Exp. Share (see above)

=5 open spots

+2 Energy Switch
+3 Eviolite

Again, this is all just my personal opinion. I hope I helped at least some :)
-2 kyurem
+2 registeel

I think Registeel is great for spread attacking decks. you should also tech in some more energy switch for surprise attacks.cut down on the juniper.
-2 Exp. Share 4 is over kill, drop it to two and get two Eviolite in exchange
-1 Ultra Ball You'll find that you are discarding to many trainers, and that can lose you games.

+1 Mewtwo EX to kill other Mewtwo EXs and goes well with DCE
+2 Eviolite All the Pokemon here are basic, Eviolite lowers your opponents damage output
I was using a quad kyurem deck for a while. I maxed out exp share and energy switch. It really helps to keep the glaciates going every turn. My only recommendation is to max out exp share. When a kyurem gets knocked out and you have a few pokemon on the bench with exp shares you can use energy switches and a manual attachment to power up your next kyurem.
I don't like having multiple tools in the same deck unless you're using Garbodor in which case you would need four or five. Either put in Eviolite or Exp. Share, and I'd go with Exp. Share just because of Kyurem's energy cost. You might consider switching over to Registeel for the quicker setup, but he's an EX, and his Weakness ses a bit more play than Kyurem's.
I don't think spread decks are as useful, as they have been some time ago!
Everyone is playing Max Potion, SSU and such things.
Besides, your opponent can easily catcher your Kyurem without any energies or such and 1-KO it easily!