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Kyurem/Thundurus/Deoxys + Keldeo & Absol... Needs help with Lasers.

Lil Wayne

.=I Hate to see her go.. love to watch her leave=.
Hello this is John here. I just came back into Pokemon after a brief hiatus. I looked at the current decks a few weeks ago and I saw that plasma looked like fun quick deck to play. I got all the cards I needed and I started playing. I really like how it plays... it's very fast and it hits hard early game. I have found that it struggles a bit in the late game... my list does anyways... the reason I came here today was because of a problem I have with Lasers... I want to play them because 30 between turns is really good in my eyes. That takes up 6 cards in my deck... the 4 Lasers and 2 Virbanks. If I were to take them out what should I add in? I was thinking about adding in Frozen City Gyms, tool scrappers and and a few extra Skyla. Please let me know by commenting down below.

Pokemon (12)
  • x4 Deoxys EX (Plasma Freeze)
  • x3 Kyurem (Plasma Freeze)
  • x2 Thundurus EX (Plasma Freeze)
  • x2 Keldeo EX (Boundaries Crossed)
  • x1 Absol (Plasma Freeze)

  • x4 N (NV 101)
  • x4 Professor Juniper (BW 101)
  • x2 Colress (PS 135)
  • x2 Skyla (BC 134)
  • x4 Colress Machine (PS 119)
  • x3 Silver Bangle (PB 88)
  • x3 Pokemon Catcher (EP 95)
  • x3 Team Plasma Ball (PF 105)
  • x2 Ultra Ball (DE 102)
  • x2 Float Stone (PF 99)
  • x2 Virbank City Gym (PS 126)
  • x4 Hypnotoxic Laser (PS 123)
  • x1 Computer Search (BC 137)
  • 4 Plasma Energy (PF 106)
  • 4 Prism Energy (ND 93)
  • 4 Blend Energy WLFM (DR 118)

My strategy is to start with Kyurem and get the turn one "Frost Spear" by attaching one energy and using a Colress Machine and attaching a Plasma that way. I sometimes get a Deoxys or a Silver Bangle to do more damage but I try to take down my opponents early game with sniping the bench and taking out those lower HP Pokemon. I struggle in the late game as I have said so any help with that is greatly appreciated!

Please let me know if you have any questions, opinions or comments. I really do need advise, I have been winning a few games but not as much as I would like to.
I would suggest having 1 basic electric energy for Thundurus. incase you run into enhanced hammer shenanigans with sableye. As long as you have an electric on Thundurus, you wont ever be out of energy unless it gets knocked out.

Im thinking maybe...

-1 Colress Machine (You will hardly ever need 4. Most likely you will either draw at least 1 plasma energy, or one will be prized. At least before you run into all of your colress machines.)
-4 Laser
-2 VIrbank
-2 Plasma/Ultra Ball (You may not need to get everything out right away. With only only basics, its pretty easy to draw into them with enough supporters)
-1 Silver Bangle (Maybe, having 3 for a deck with only 4 pokemon that can use it might be a bit much.

+1 Electric (For Thundurus)
+1 Tool Scrapper (For silver mirror)
+1 Skyla (More Search)
+2 Frozen City (Destroys a lot of decks, especially blastoise decks)
+2 Bicycles (more draw)
+1 Catcher

+1/2 more card (Iris could be nice for late game finishes, more switch/bicicyle would also help, silver mirror could be fun, tool scrappers for anti silver mirror/sigilyph.

Idk thats just my opinion.
Ivy_Profen said:
I would suggest having 1 basic electric energy for Thundurus. incase you run into enhanced hammer shenanigans with sableye. As long as you have an electric on Thundurus, you wont ever be out of energy unless it gets knocked out.

Im thinking maybe...

-1 Colress Machine (You will hardly ever need 4. Most likely you will either draw at least 1 plasma energy, or one will be prized. At least before you run into all of your colress machines.)
-4 Laser
-2 VIrbank
-2 Plasma/Ultra Ball (You may not need to get everything out right away. With only only basics, its pretty easy to draw into them with enough supporters)
-1 Silver Bangle (Maybe, having 3 for a deck with only 4 pokemon that can use it might be a bit much.

+1 Electric (For Thundurus)
+1 Tool Scrapper (For silver mirror)
+1 Skyla (More Search)
+2 Frozen City (Destroys a lot of decks, especially blastoise decks)
+2 Bicycles (more draw)
+1 Catcher

+1/2 more card (Iris could be nice for late game finishes, more switch/bicicyle would also help, silver mirror could be fun, tool scrappers for anti silver mirror/sigilyph.

Idk thats just my opinion.

Thank you for your suggestion! I will try the changes right now! I am just using the Silver Bangle, the high count of Plasma Balls and the extra Colress for starts but do you think I need to make sure I get that god start? Thank you for all of your advice I greatly appreciate it!
-1 blend (WFLM) (could be replaced with a blend (GRPD) for absol)
-1 keldeo ex (double keldeo is not needed anymore since lasers is no longer a threat)

+1 blend (GRPD) (for absol)
+ absol (another great attacker, 2 is a good number to run)

Enhanced hammer is not going to see much play so a basic electric energy won't be too good, add in a blend (GRPD) just for absol since in modern TDK deck you should play 2 absol since they can make use if silver bangle and can hit for the magic number, 180.

Hope I helped :)
In terms of a good start. What do you really need? I imagine you want Thundurus Ex in the active, one electric energy on the on it. Somehow discard a special energy with a ball or juniper. Have a benched something or other. Probably Kyurem, attack with Thundurus' first attack for 30+ damage if you have deoxys out. Be able to attack one of the discarded energy to Kyurem.

What i usually consider a good start is starting with a supporter that lets me draw more cards. Basically shooting for a big first turn that is basically 2 hands worth of cards. Usually i want that for at least the first 2 turns. After that its okay for supporters to start slowing down. If you pack enough draw support in your deck, you will draw into your pokemon if you have enough in the deck, as well. You can probably make use of probably 3 pokemon searches, maybe 4 if you run into trouble. But if you set up your deck to have a good amount of card drawing i feel like 3 is enough and is usually the number i shoot for at the most.

If you think about it. With your 2 skyla, 3 poke ball, and a comp search. You essentially have 6 poke searches early game. With 4 or 5 balls that seems like over kill and leaves you with 7-8 pokemon searches. Thats more than half of the amount of pokemon. Just take testing like 1 plasma 2 ultra in your deck and see how that goes. If you run into pokemon problems then maybe add more. Because you dont have to rush and fill your bench out. You have to remember that other players also may carry absol as well.
@Joltic. Thank you for telling me all that it really helps and I enjoy that you are helping. Why do you think using the other Absol is a good idea along with a different type of energy? I honestly don't use absol too much. Maybe I should start to use it...

@Ivy_Profen (Just got your name, very funny :)) So you are saying I should start with Thundurus to power up the other pokemon on the bench instead of trying to get the Kyruem's Frost Spear off, I haven't tested it that much but I will start trying that now. I will take out the extra pokemon search for testing now. I have been testing everything you said except adding in the Bikes and taking out the search Items. Its been going very good It's much more consistent. Thank you for your help so far I really appreciate it!
Yeah i like the name.

Well it really depends on who you start with. If you start with a water energy and a colress machine. by all means start with a frost spear. Why force the same play each time. It really depends on your situation. If you start against something thats ground then probably want kyurem out instead of 2x weak thundurus. If you are against steel the opposite is true. Same applies with things that are weak to you. Though if they have a low hp bench pokemon, that you know will be important in a few turns you could try sniping it with frost spear.

The point of having different attackers is to give you more options. Both means of energy acceleration help this deck out. So basically whatever the situation dictates and the resources you have in hand, is what you will play.

What makes bicycles so good is that they are draw support that are not supporters. Heres an example. First turn you start off with some pokemon, energy, and a supporter like N. You get to use the cards in your hand then use N to draw 6 new cards. If one of them is a bicycle you can use the cards in your hand, like put more basic pokemon down, use a colress machine or ultra ball, stuff like that. Get your hand lower than 4 cards. use bicycle and then you have additional cards to then play. If you run into another bicycle the same turn, you can then do more. Another example is if you are drawing dead and you have a skyla in hand. You can skyla for a bicycle and then draw some cards to help revitalize your hand that turn. otherwise you would have to skyla for another supporter then wait until next turn to refresh your hand.
@Lil Wayne, running 2 absol and a blend (GRPD) is a really good idea since with 3 deoxys, a silver bangle and your opponent having a full bench will total up to 180 damage which can KO any opposing ex. However since you don't use absol too much maybe try running a 4th kyurem, it really comes down to which attacker you prefer.