Porygon/Porygon2/Porygon-Z - a nice decent Zoroark variant. Love this card. Does a lot for single energy. I'm excited for someone is using a Zoroark deck focused on LZ mechanic. Porygon-Z, forget it. 3/4/3
Kyurem V/VMAX - I love this Kyurem, this can be a good W deck. But then, if you compare this to Palkia VSTAR, It's clear to see who wins. A 1-1 tech of this on Palkia deck could at least give it a try. 3/4
Rotom V - How do we rapidly T1 all those Tools in the discard and 2 energy on Rotom? It could be a waste of a good card, if we can't. 4 Geodudes
Phanthump/Trevenant - decent ability, can't get Path'd, lackluster atk, Stage 1. 3/3
Sunkern/Sunflora - ok. 3/3
Dreepy/Drakloak/Dragapult - what a waste of opportunity, if you ask me. It's a rare to snipe 100 on a single-prized. We've seen this atk on Vs, but with a huge drawback. Dragapult does that, but with a huge drawback. You can only run 4 Dreepy, and you'll use the Dreepy to evolve, unless you run Zoroark, which is too much given the fact that it is a Stage 2. You still find the Ordinary Rod to loop it. 3/3/3
Drapion V/VSTAR - V is an instant Mew counter, forget the Mightyena. But also forget this Drapion since the ability can be Path'd. VSTAR tho is fine. 4/3-4
Toolbox - gets you tools. 3-4
Spectrier/Glastrier - first cards, really got shafted. 2/2