Lack of Ops/Hops


Ok, so in the chat noobs are always coming in and spamming/cursing whatever. And there are never Ops/Hops there to kick them. And a lot of Trade Council/Clan Council etc. members are there most of the time, so why don't they get hop? I mean then the noobs will actually get kicked before they leave.
Electimortar said:
Ok, so in the chat noobs are always coming in and spamming/cursing whatever. And there are never Ops/Hops there to kick them. And a lot of Trade Council/Clan Council etc. members are there most of the time, so why don't they get hop? I mean then the noobs will actually get kicked before they leave.

Yeah I was going to ask the same thing but i've been beat to it. :p Its a good argument and there should be more Ops online. lately, the most Ops i've seen online is about 4, and some of the time theyre not even looking at the chat. its not that big of a deal because majority of us in the chatroom know what to do to spammers/trolls/ fans wanting battles trades. lol
Yes, unfortunately, recently the case with the chat has seemed to be that there are too few active Ops on the chat during certain parts of the day. However, normally, they will grant H-Op to a chat regular who's a member of the staff, to fill the needs of kicking until another active Op signs on.

But really, it's not like the Ops aren't just doing nothing when they're not active on chat, so you can't really blame them.
I'd be more than willing to help out if needed.....I'm usually in the chat all the time =]

-Black Rayquaza
Yesterday Mew was sick, so he gave me hop, but I got d/c'ed... So yeah.

Well, as long as an op ensures that there's someone to look after the chat before they leave, it should be fine.
Noobnerd said:
Yesterday Mew was sick, so he gave me hop, but I got d/c'ed... So yeah.

Well, as long as an op ensures that there's someone to look after the chat before they leave, it should be fine.

Yeah, that's what usually happens. Amt gave me hop for about 20 minutes while she was away. That seems like the normal thing that's been happening.
Noobnerd said:
Yesterday Mew was sick, so he gave me hop, but I got d/c'ed... So yeah.

Well, as long as an op ensures that there's someone to look after the chat before they leave, it should be fine.

but thats the thing, right there, in the bold. lol there is no one on to moderate after you get they get D/ced if they do. or if anything that is, forsay, they have to go somewhere, Dinner, lunch, breakfast? who knows. would the H- op have to H- op another person, which i'm pretty sure can't work. :p
Noobnerd said:
The chance that a temporary op getting disconnected is low

thats why i factored in other possibilities. you have to count in all odds at first. :p well not all the time, but i think you see my point.
Hmm, yeah. This problem does seem to be prevalent at the moment.

If you need any assistance, I'd be glad to help out in times of need. I love helping out people. =)
So you mean it's a bad idea for me to keep yelling "GET OUT" at chatn00bs?

It seems everytime I go to chat there's a lost newbie there. Has this always been a problem?...or is it just a flood of them coming in all of a sudden xD
It has always been a problem.

[11:08] * PBGuest57 ([email protected]) has joined
[11:08] <PBGuest57> hi ne1 hav wifi????
[11:08] <PBGuest57> ne1 hav shinys?!?!?!
[11:08] <PBGuest57> i hav darckray and aruceuz who wants 2treade?????
Well, here is my 2-pence:

<Fridge> ///// Someone ban mario, he is banned but has changed his IP again \\\\\
<[Phoenix]> //\\ Calum //\\
<[Phoenix]> //\\ gamercal //\\
<A-Way> see?
<Fridge> ///// he did it 5 times yesterday \\\\\
<WP> Cal
<[Phoenix]> //\\ Spoon //\\
<mario> no
<WP> Calum
<A-Way> this is why that thread was created.
<[Phoenix]> //\\ ^ //\\
<Fridge> ///// Yeah \\\\\
* A-Way is now known as B-Ray
<FlyNub> yeah B-Ray
<[Phoenix]> //\\ Iknorite? //\\
<B-Ray> they say "Oh yeah, we got this"
<Fridge> ///// Good point B-Ray \\\\\
<B-Ray> "When we're gone, we name someone"
<Fridge> ///// yet they don't got this lol \\\\\
<[Phoenix]> //\\ but they're gone //\\
<B-Ray> BS
<B-Ray> excatly
<FlyNub> Someone put this quote in that thread XD
<Fridge> ///// no-one is online \\\\\
<Fridge> ///// CAL \\\\\
<Fridge> ///// we need you to ban this dude \\\\\
<Fridge> ///// mario \\\\\

* @Sonic ([email protected]) Quit
<Brawler> i'm afraid i don't :{
<Patchouli_Knowledge> mario
<Patchouli_Knowledge> can you type /part
<B-Ray> are you serious?
<FlyNub> Calllllll D:
<B-Ray> Cal just said "I gotta go, sorry"
<B-Ray> and didnt even looko
<B-Ray> =(
<B-Ray> FAIL.
<FlyNub> :<
<mario> no
<Brawler> Isn't spoon still on?
<B-Ray> mario shut up
<B-Ray> you have no right to talk.
* Masato-kun ([email protected]) Quit (Ping timeout)
<mario> no
<mario> I do
<mario> right WP
* Patchouli_Knowledge slaps HeavenlySpoon around a bit with a large trout
* Patchouli_Knowledge slaps HeavenlySpoon around a bit with a large trout
<Patchouli_Knowledge> mario
<Patchouli_Knowledge> no one freakin likes and/or appreciates you being here
<Patchouli_Knowledge> jsut gtfo
* Brawler yells to get HeavenlySpoon's attention
<Patchouli_Knowledge> <_<
<Kronar> It's not like giving perma-hops to a couple respectable members would be an issue.
<Kronar> It's needed.
I have to admit it's pretty annoying when someone's spamming and you could have done something about it. I always end up saying, "This is something I could have took care of if I was HOPed." It's pretty frustrating, actually.
Electimortar said:
Ok, so in the chat noobs are always coming in and spamming/cursing whatever. And there are never Ops/Hops there to kick them. And a lot of Trade Council/Clan Council etc. members are there most of the time, so why don't they get hop? I mean then the noobs will actually get kicked before they leave.

I know, it's really a bother. Because when no ops or hops are on, these random guests come in and start spamming and swearing as if they're programmed to come in when no one is on, lol. But regardless, they are quite annoying. I think we should have some extra hops/op for the chat because we need the most help we can get. Some of these PBGuests ruin our conversations. I think some of the Experts, Clan Council, and other members will authority on the forums should help out when no mods are on because it will provide back up when we really need it.

- Luigi
We know it's a problem. I was just about to bring this up with the other mods, actually. We're looking into it.

Meanwhile, PM me if you guys would like to nominate someone for chat op and why. Feel free to nominate yourselves.
I've been giving Kronar/CCloud halfop when I go afk, lately. They're usually pretty active and should have permanent halfop, IMO.
Could someone just clarify: WQhy do not all clan council/trade council/tcg questions peoples get Hop? It would make more sense. Also, we should have some Permanent half-ops, whether they are staff or not. CCloud and Kronar are pretty good Hops, but we need some more permanent ones. Why don't we just have all the TC/CC/TCG question peoples? Or is that too many? if its too many, we could just select one or two people from each of those groups.
Phoenix said:
Well, here is my 2-pence:


Alright, you know WHY I didn't look? I had less than 1 minute left on my comp when I was told about this before I had to go out. I had no time to do anything about this one, so there was no point in going into the chat again to look. Other people have lives as well you know.
If the Mods have lives (which I'm not surprised they do), more Mods are needed in the chat. Simple as that. I never understood why all Staff weren't Ops/Hops in there in the first place...

dmaster out.