DPPt/HGSS Lance Stragety Heart Gold



Hey, I have a feeling that this thread has been done before but I really need help with this

I am trying to beat Lance with this:

Ampharos Lvl 43@ Magnet
Focus Blast
Signal Beam

Ho-Oh Lvl 50 @ Destiny Knot
Sacred Fire

Dragonair Lvl 40 @ Haban Berry
Draco Meteor
Aqua Tail
Dragon Rush

Sudowoodo Lvl 40@ Shell Bell
Rock Slide
Low Kick
Faint Attack

Lapras Lvl 41 @ Quick Claw
Body Slam
Ice Beam

Typhlosion Lvl 44 @ Cheri Berry
Shadow Claw
Fire Blast
Blast Burn

Any help whatsoever please
Replace Ampharos' magnet with a choice scarf to rid of gyrados/Aerodactyl.Nothing on your team is fast enough to outspeed aerodactyl,so opt for the choice scarf.For charizard,Sudowoodo can take care of him quickly,this charizard is more physical than anything so you'll be fine.At this time,he should send in Dragonite (Blizzard),switch out sudo for Lapras and continue using Ice Beam.If you can,teach Lapras Ice shard when he sends out his other Dragonite (Thunder),just to do a chunk of damage,and also,get rid of that quick claw if you do and replace it with a nevermeltice.When and if he does knock out lapras,switch out for Ampharos and continue dishing out Discharge.For his final Dragonite (Fire Blast),send out sudowoodo.Fire Blast will not be doing all to much but is still formidable.Outrage should not do much to you either,unless you have a defense hindering nature of course.Just continue using rock slide and you should win.You should also be able to get some flinch hax if you give Sudo the Kings Rock which could really benefit you to a great effect.
I'm bored, why not? First, give Ho-oh the item he had when you caught him and swap Sudowoodo's and Lapras's items. For Gyarados, just use Ampy and kick it with Thunder. For Aerodactyl, do either Ampharos or Lapras, Lapras being back-up. Charizard is easily taken by Sudowoodo or Lapras, Ampy an alternate. Finally, the 3 Dragonites. All 3 could be handled without any KO's if lucky. Use D-Nite once by using your Draco Meteor followed by Extremespeed. Sudowoodo should come in handy too with a Quick Clawed Rock Slide for one of them. For the last one you face, get Lapras. If it gets an Ice Beam in, Lapras will appreciate the recovery from Shell Bell. Hope I helped!
Just on a quick note, Ho-Oh's signature item (Sacred Ash) does not work as a held item, you need to use it (it's a Medicine).
Use Lapras for the Dragonites, but be careful. The lvl 50 knows Thunder. Use a Quick Claw for Lapras or a Choice Band/Scarf (can't remember which one is for Sp. Attack)