Lanturn (Prime) from Unleashed (#86) [5/25]

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Guiding questions:
1. How does the card stand on its own? Is it good, bad, or have potential? Is it worth being played?
2. What popular metagame decks is it used in?
3. What combos can you use it with? How so?
4. Give it a rating, and explain why you have given it that rating. You can also rate the card by rating the thread itself (out of 5 stars).
5. How's the artwork?

Posts MUST be several sentences long with proper grammar and spelling or they will be deleted - this forum is to discuss specific cards so other people can learn about their potential in the current metagame.
On it's own, it's ok. It does a lot better with Feraligater Prime, or if you really wanted to, Floatzel from UL.

That's still up in the air right now.

With Feraligarer Prime. Gater allows you to attach a bunch of energy a turn, and Lanturn does massive damage for those energy.

I give it 3/5. It's actually not bad, and will see a bit of play. With it's power, it can cover a lot of weaknesses, making it very viable.

Artwork is AWESOME. That's all I can say, I'm just a fan.

(Holy cow! Why do I always get the first post on these things?)
1. How does the card stand on its own? Is it good, bad, or have potential? Is it worth being played?
I think it's allright, but nothing metagame changing. It has some amount of potential, and can be worth being played, as long as its fun its not terrible.
2. What popular metagame decks is it used in?
I don't think this will be a part of this metagame, but possibly next format itll be allright
3. What combos can you use it with? How so?
You could use it with gatr prime, probably the best one
4. Give it a rating, and explain why you have given it that rating. You can also rate the card by rating the thread itself (out of 5 stars).
I give it 3/5 stars because its ok, but not very good really
5. How's the artwork?
I really like the artwork alot, it is pretty epic 5/5
1. How does the card stand on its own? Is it good, bad, or have potential? Is it worth being played?
On it's own it is kind of meh... It has phenomenal type coverage, however that is quickly dismissed by it's horrid double fighting weakness. This plus relatively low HP makes him OHKO target for Donphan, Relicanth, and Promocroak, (all for 1 energy, mind you).
2. What popular metagame decks is it used in?
I've seen it run with Donphan to help cover his weakness, also with Feraligatr + Interviewers Question to abuse Rain Dance. I would like to point out that it doesn't work with Floatzel GL Lv.X's "Water Rescue" as the type switching ends immediately after your turn.
3. What combos can you use it with? How so?
Possibly, oh I don't know, Flygon might make a good partner, Donphan to cover weakness, or Interviewer's Question and Feraligatr.
4. Give it a rating, and explain why you have given it that rating. You can also rate the card by rating the thread itself (out of 5 stars).
2/5 in Modified. Being OHKO bait by 3 very popular cards for one energy is bad news, period.
5. How's the artwork?
Pretty schweet I guess.
1. I think it has potential. It won't be a game-changer, but I like it.
2. No metagame. Not yet, at least.
3. Feraligatr Prime is the best. Not a lot else.
4. 4/5 I like it. I think it can be a decent deck.
5. 5/5 I love the artwork. Lanturn looks so serious. It's great!
1# It's a great card. I think it has potential. Its definitely worth playing.
2# No metagame yet.
3# Combine this card with either Ampharos or Feraligatr Prime, I think Feraligatr is the best partner.
4# I give it 4/5. The only bad thing about this card is its x2 Weakness to Donphan prime and the 2 in retreat. The good things, is that this is a stage 1 card, which makes it pretty fast. Play it with Double Colorless energy and Feraligatr Prime, and you can deal alots of damage. The choice of two types is also good.
5# The artwork? It's just amazing. I love the pose Lanturn is in, aswell as the background. 5/5
First of all, I've been playing this at Battle Roads and every match I have him and Feraligatr set up, I win. I think he is severly under-rated, he's a great card dealing massive damage.

1. Standing on it's own its not too good, it'll need some benched Energy, but it's fast. Slap a Lightning Energy on First turn, then Evolve and DCE on the second, that's 70 second turn. Not a lot can do that. Not only is it worth being played, it's fun to play, unlike SPs. Plus being able to choose your type is great as you can overcome resistance or even gain their weakness, making him and Donphan equally matched.

2. It's not popular, or really Metagame, but I use it in my deck that I've seen 3 differet versions of. Feraligatr Prime, HS Unleashed Blastoise, and him of course.

3. With Feraligatr Prime, and a couple other Lanturn on your Bench for power, this thing can deal huge amounts of damage very quickly.

4. While it's a great card, it isn't perfect. It could use more HP, a lower retreat, and Chinchou is one of the weaker basics, so I'm giving it a 4/5.

5. The artwork is one of the best I'v seen, right behind the Promo Feraligatr Prime's. 5/5.
1(it Probably won't do well on it's own because it has no way of attaching energy really fast.
2( its not fast enough to get in the meta.
3( Gater prime and thats it.
4( 3/5 It has a good attack, but its not fast like leafon X therefore it just wont see itself at anything execpt battleroads.
5 5/5 its the best thing about it!
1) It's not great on it's own, but it's OK. Being able to change it's type is amazing.
2)I don't know of any.
3)Feraligatr Primes rain dance with Interveiws Questions.
4) 4/5 To high of an energy cost but solved with DCe
5) 5/5 A highlight of lanturn Prime
1. How does the card stand on its own? Is it good, bad, or have potential? Is it worth being played?
lanturn prime has the nice pokepower and the effect from its attack also dangerous in late game.

2. What popular metagame decks is it used in?
i think i could be with prime feraligatr, or leafeon lv x (LOL)

3. What combos can you use it with? How so?
i do not really interesting to build this deck, if yes, may be i will build with ampharos prime. So opponent think more than twice to attack energy on his or her pokemon in field.

4. Give it a rating, and explain why you have given it that rating. You can also rate the card by rating the thread itself (out of 5 stars).
3.5 stars

5. How's the artwork?
i like the artwork , for me it is elegant :):):)
1.) On it's own, Lanturn Prime is just not good enough. He's great for a rogue deck, but you'll need to rely on getting extremely lucky and hoping your opponent isn't running Luxray GL LV.X. He's the primary threat to Lanturn Prime, even though his attack would work well if you had some sort of Energy acceleration.
2.) Feraligatr Prime and Leafeon LV.X. That's it. Your goal is to get Energy out, and those are the two Pokemon that can do it.
3.) Energy Pickup is an option, and...I already mentioned the two cards above.
4.) I'll give it a 2 out of 5. Unfortunately, it's not as great as other decks are out there.
5.) AMAZING. Love it.
1. How does the card stand on its own? Is it good, bad, or have potential? Is it worth being played?
Mixed, on one hand it's duel type and being a stage 1 sounds great but it requires some energy acceleration support to really get going. But it will do 70 damage if you have the necessary energy and that is just enough to KO Donphan Prime and Kingdra Prime.

2. What popular metagame decks is it used in?
Feraligtr Decks with the mass energy attaching abilities but that can sometimes work out unfavorable seeing as how Lanturn needs electric energy in order to attack. and it can get troublesome running two kinds of energy

3. What combos can you use it with? How so?
Anything that can attach energy all over the place to boost the damage output. As mentioned the Feraligtr combo, Electivire FB X, and Electivire (SW) also DCE counts as two energy so attaching that will make more damage

4. Give it a rating, and explain why you have given it that rating. You can also rate the card by rating the thread itself (out of 5 stars).
3/5, it has some potential but I wouldn't build a whole deck around him, he is very similar to Leafeon X but Leafy was better because its attack only costed two energy and had a plethora of grass support to speed him up (Leafeon RR, Sceptile GE, Dawn Stadium, and Landmin X). Even though it can OHKO Donphan it falls short because Donphan can OHKO him right back, way easier for only one energy no less.

5. How's the artwork?
Probably my favorite looking Prime in UL, I love how they made a cutesie looking Pokemon look daunting and cool.
1. How does the card stand on its own? Is it good, bad, or have potential? Is it worth being played?

I think 70 damage per three energies is pretty good to knock the Dophan Prime, since Lanturn can be a water type, and Kingdra Prime. It would combine well with the Prime Feraligtr and Blastoise Unleashed.

2. What popular metagame decks is it used in?

I think a deck with the Feraligtr Prime and/or the Prime Blastoise.

3. What combos can you use it with? How so?

I think a deck with the Feraligtr Prime and / or the Prime Blastoise, or with electivire FB.

4. Give it a rating, and explain why you have given it that rating. You can also rate the card by rating the thread itself (out of 5 stars).

Without many more comments, I think 3 / 5, because It's a Pokémon with Strength Medium-High.

5. How's the artwork?

Cool, looks cute in a way, nervous of another, is a good representation of Lanturn. I think 4 / 5 is perfect.
1. It's okay. It needs energy acceleration of some sort. Floatzel and Blastroise come to mind.

2. There's no big metagame deck around that can just slip this in. The energy requirements and weaknesses require a special deck. Also think of how cheap metagame decks are on energy. It just wouldn't work.

3. Like many pokemon, Exploud could cover the weakness. Blastroise, Floatzel, and Electivire FB Lv.X come to mind (note how similar it is to Lanturn Prime).

4. This card gets 2/5 stars. I was never thrilled about this card, despite my love of Lanturns, and there are so many problems that it's just not worth it. The retreat cost, the weakness, the energy requirements, and the fact tournament-worthy pokemon are as cheap as possible energy-wise. This makes it a hard-to-charge energy drainer that could be KO'd by several pokemon without a problem and does an average amount of damage for all of this.

5. 4/5 This is the only time I actually liked the Prime sparkle.
This pokemon is a team player and for the first point of reference it doesn't fair well alone, but it's worth played in mid or last phases of the battle, because it's attack requires a few pokes on the bench.
Second point as always i don't have a straight answer since i really don't know the metagame of tcg so i can't judge that.
Third point, well since it goes well with about any bench pokemon combination it works really good in any situation and as EspeonROX it needs a energy pick-upper.
I give it a nice 3 out of five, i am not much of a fan.
Beautiful artwork and also a very intimidating, but typical of a prime card.
1. How does the card stand on its own? Is it good, bad, or has potential? Is it worth playing.

I find Lanturn to be quite good on its own actually. Even though it is weak to a fighting type Pokemon like Donphan, Lanturn's Poke-power let's you turn into a water type, thus allowing you to literally counter an incoming Donphan Prime. The fact Lanturn can turn into water also makes him great with Feraligatr Prime. Here, you can turn Lanturn water so that it can take in the water energies from Rain Dance.

Now we get to the attack, which is really why I think it is good. It can hit for 40 plus 10 for every energy on all of your Pokemon. Even though Feraligatr helps here, with DCE, Lanturn can attack just as awesome as it can with Feraligatr. After all, the fact DCE provides two energies means that it can hit for a load of damage. Overall, Lanturn is pretty good on its own, has potential, and it worth playing.

2. What popular metagame decks is it used in?

There aren't many decks in the metagame that use Lanturn right now. If Lanturn were to see competitive play, it would most likely be played with Feraligatr at this moment, or even on its own. Yet, I have seen a Lanturn deck that won Juniors in a Battle Road against a Luxchomp. That deck was Lanturn Prime/Electivire FB. Here, you use Lanturn to attack a lot, and when your DCEs go into the discard, you use Electivire FB Lv.X's Poke-power to grab those DCEs out of the discard and back onto your Lanturns. Believe, I think that when played with Electivire FB, Lanturn can be good in the metagame that way; of course, that is, if Lanturn can do a real good job.

3. What combos can you use it with? How so?

Other than the Electivire FB combo that has been previously mentioned, I would run Lanturn with Feraligatr, combo wise. As mentioned, I would turn Lanturn into a water type via its Poke-power. Then, I would use Rain Dance to attach energies like crazy to all the Lanturns. This can be effective, but the problem with this combo is that it greatly suffers from power lock. Yet, in most cases, I wouldn't just prefer playing it with Feraligatr. At the same time, I kind of would also like to try running Lanturn in a straight fashion. That is, it would pretty much be a speed Lanturn deck. Well, either way, I would play Lanturn with comboes and without it. It doesn't seem to matter with me whenever I look at this card.

4. Give it a rating, and explain why you would give it that rating.

I would rate Lanturn Prime a 4/5. Lanturn is definitely not a bad card. It has a good Poke-power that let's it hit through its most common weakness, Donphan. It also has a very good attack that can potentially hit for very high damage. Lanturn can be good either with another card or on its own. Yet, its main problems include that not so good retreat cost, and the fact is can be overwhelmed by other very popular decks in this very moment. Regardless, Lanturn is one good card all right.

5. How's the artwork?

I think this is an awesome artwork for a Lanturn card. Both Lanturn and the dark background behind it really add a great feel of a true Lanturn. Hideaki Hadozaki really did a great job designing the art.
1. This card, from what I've seen, has been hyped. In my opinion, it's overly hyped. It has great HP for a stage one, It's PokePower allows it to change it's type, and it's attack allows it to do 70 damage for three energy because of the attacks effect. But, without an energy accelerator, it's just another Prime card.

2. This card is still too new to have a metagame deck yet, but, from what I've seen, it can be run with Feraligatr (Prime) from Heartgold Soulsilver and as I recently saw, Leafeon Lv.X from Majestic Dawn, both for energy acceleration. Flint's Willpower and Double Colorless energy are some other choices, but Flint's Willpower requires an SP Pokemon to be in play to use effectively.

3. As I mentioned above, It can be used with Feraligatr (Prime) from Heartgold Soulsilver, Leafeon Lv.X from Majestic Dawn, Flint's Willpower, and Double Colorless Energy, all for energy acceleration.

4. I have to give this card a 3/5, because it has good HP, a good PokePower, and a good attack, but to be run effectively, it has ho have energy acceleration to make it worth playing. Someone at my league has a Lanturn (Prime) deck, and he says it's as slow as ever, taking a while to set up, and nowhere near fast enough to compete with today's metagame, with decks like LuxChomp and Jumpluff.

5. The artwork for the Primes is getting old, the pictures of heads with a glint on the eye, jewel, fang, etc. with the 3D style shading, I am looking forward to the days (if they ever do) when the animation for special cards (ex's, Lv.X's, Primes, etc.) goes to the Lv.X style, with the Pokemon popping out of the card. Those never got old and were unique every time.

A Final Note: I believe that Lanturn (Prime) will not see a lot of competitive play and will just be another Prime card to collect, unless a faster, more efficient energy accelerator shows up as a card before Lanturn (Prime) gets rotated.
1.Well I do know that it is fine to use on its own bu it will crumble
against donphan at ease. Anyway I havn't seen anyone mention that
it is amazingly can storm a donphan down with its poke power and feraligatr's too it will make donphan explode to bits. So I myself can only rely on it with feraligatr but it dosn't matter what card to join it with though.
2. Well the only two metagame decks I can trust with it is ovioubsly
Feraligatr or Electivre
3.Um I think Electivre is okay but I would rely on Feraligatr more because of the Donphan ownage system keeps running like I metioned earlier about it.
4. I would give it a 4 and half out of five because it is only one of the few great cards that can take out donphan anyway it combos better with feraligatr than anything else
5. It is for me the best Lanturn painting ever a good job well done to the artist 5/5.
Guiding questions:
1. How does the card stand on its own? Is it good, bad, or have potential? Is it worth being played?
2. What popular metagame decks is it used in?
3. What combos can you use it with? How so?
4. Give it a rating, and explain why you have given it that rating. You can also rate the card by rating the thread itself (out of 5 stars).
5. How's the artwork?

1. This card stands alone like people standing on quicksand. 3 for 70 is only the norm these days, and without good support it fails with only 110 HP.
2. BUT if you play it in Rain Dance, that's a different question. How many energy you put in that deck = how much damage you 40. Rund a few DCE and you have energy bonanza.
3. Combos given. Also works with anything that benefits water types (politoed, etc) or as an anti Rain dance in an Rain dance deck
4. Rate 3.5/5, usable but kinda clumsy...
5. Okish. 3.5/5 again. I only give full points to insane pics and Kouki Saitou
1. Lanturn prime is an EXCELLENT card in my opinion and it is defiantly worth playing
2.well i honestly don't[/font] know what a metegame deck is but this card would go great in a water, electric deck or a grass, electric deck!
3. A great combo is using ampharos from hgss base set in a deck to do damage and get out more energy at the same time. same thing with leafeon lv.x!
4. I give this card a 5/5 because in all the tcg games i have played, it has helped me win all of them! I have only lost with this deck 2 times out of 30 some times.
5. The artwork on this card is simply AMAZING! Even though i like the lv.x artwork better, this artwork is still a masterpiece{G}.