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Standard Lapras GX, once again


Gen 3 lover
Once again an attempt to build a Lapras Box, for obvious reasons (namely Blacephalon) and unobvious ones (ohko on buzzwole, necrozma, zoroark with the help of kukui, etc.). Here's the list

##Pokémon - 13
1 Ditto {*} LOT 154
1 Lugia-GX LOT 227
1 Oranguru SUM 113
1 Poipole FLI 55
2 Naganadel LOT 108
3 Lapras-GX SUM 35
2 Wooper DRM 25
2 Quagsire DRM 26

##Trainer Cards - 36
4 Aqua Patch GRI 119
2 Brooklet Hill GRI 120
1 Rescue Stretcher GRI 130
4 Switch CES 147
4 Acro Bike PRC 122
2 Nest Ball SUM 123
4 Cynthia UPR 119
3 Guzma BUS 115
4 Ultra Ball SUM 135
4 Choice Band GRI 121
2 Lillie UPR 125
2 Professor Kukui SUM 128

##Energy - 11
11 Water Energy

Lugia is there for the GX, to get rid of the bulkiest pokemon that lapras cannot OHKO, and also cause lapras' one is pretty useless, and it is also a back up attacker without grass weakness.

The deck is surprisingly fast, you always have a lapras ready in your second turn. I would love to include a couple of Erika but do not know what to cut, also a pal pad could be good.

the match ups that scare me are the one against lost march and venusaur, don't really know how to improve those. Any suggestion is appreciated.
Well just spit balling here but do you really need the switches? Naganadel will give you back the energy cost for retreating and your quagsire can get them back tothe desired attacker.
by testing it, i found out that switch is the most relevant card of the deck, you keep your energies in play (which is always good), and can reset lapras' attack even in early game, when you do not have naga in play
Don’t use Ditto in place of Poipole. You can have a Ditto in there, but not in place of Poipole, because Alolan Muk will come and bite you in the butt. When in doubt, you’re probably playing Acro Bike. I also think 3 Choice Band is enough, since Field Blower isn’t played in high counts.
-4 Acro Bike (optional)
-1 Choice Band

+2 Nest Ball (optional)
+2 Erika’s Hospitality (optional)
+1 Pal Pad

I find that Acro Bike, while a decent card, doesn’t work for me. I’d much rather use Order Pad, if you’re into that. If this deck NEEDS Acro Bike, then don’t do the suggestions that say optional, and instead drop a Lillie for Erika’s Hospitality.
Good luck!
Sometimes acrobike let you choose between aqua patch and water energy, which gives you a free energy attachmemt