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Leaf Deck Idea Accelgor/sunflora/celebi/vileplume


Aspiring Trainer
this is a rough list for a leaf deck i'm gunna build when dark explorers drops.

i know its hardly tier 1 but it might be fun to play, playing zek/eels or CMT gets boring.

Update 17/04/12- Tweaked the deck and play tested it a bit.

Level balls help SOOOO much getting sunflora set up, as getting two on the bench is crucial! they also help to get vileplume.

Also added celebi and skyarrow because if i dont draw DCE i need some energy excell.

current revised list is...

3 Accelgor (DE 11)
4 Shelmet (DE 10)
3 Sunflora (HGSS 31)
3 Sunkern (HGSS 85)
2 Oddish (UD 60)
1 Gloom (UD 27)
2 Vileplume (UD 24)
2 Celebi (TR 92)
1 Cleffa (CL 24)
1 Shaymin EX (ND 5)
1 Virizion (NV 13)
3 Rare Candy (UL 82)
3 Pokemon Collector (HGSS 97)
3 Level Ball (ND 89)
3 Professor Oak's New Theory (HGSS 101)
2 Cilan (ND 86)
3 Twins (TR 89)
2 Cheren (DE 91)
2 Skyarrow Bridge (ND 91)
1 Professor Juniper (DE 98)
2 Pokemon Communication (HGSS 98)

9 Grass

an idea bench would be

vileplume sunflora sunflora shelmet shelmet

with accelgor active. hit for 50 and paralyse then use 1 sunflora to pull out a shelmet, then other to get accelgor, and keep evolution rolling.

if all goes to plan you will get trainer and paralyse lock, simular to VvV that doesnt require coin flips.

so yeh.

RE: Leaf Deck Idea

Please update the title to include the name(s) of the main Pokémon. Thanks.
RE: Leaf Deck Idea

Try this:
-1 Cilan (only 2 is enough to get out the energy you need)
-2 Pokemon Catcher (it is nearly impossible to disrupt your opponent without having the lock set-up by Vileplume)

+3 Sage's Training (this deck is somewhat related to the Truth and having them in the deck means more draw power in case you don't get your Twins quickly)

Hope this helped! :)
RE: Leaf Deck Idea

-3 Level Ball (Useless after lock, cannot search for Vileplume)
+2 Pokémon Communication (can get any Pokémon, helps mostly with Vileplume)
+1 Pokémon Collector (useful for getting out basics. A hand with Collector and Twins is amazing.)
RE: Leaf Deck Idea

If a pokemon gets KOed, their going to sent out a pokemon they have been charging and probaly 1HKO you. Then it keeps happening but you cannot do anything, because you would have trainer-locked yourself.