Ruling Leafeon lv.49 (RR)+ Leafeon Lv.X (MD) + Dawn Stadium (MD)


Imagine situation:
I have my leafeon lv.X(under is leafeon lv.49) on active and Dawn Stadium in play, I'm attaching a 1 grass energy from my hand to active pokemon then I'm using lv.X poke-power and attach second energy to my leafeon lv.X, at the end I attack defending pokemon with leafeon lv.49 Plus Energy attack and again I attach energy to my leafeon lv.X.

How many HP I'm gonna heal from my leafeon??
Gliscor, that doesn't make any sense.
You heal 9 off of Leafeon Lv.X (if all were attached to him). The reason being is:
Attach Energy for the turn
Heal 1 from Dawn Stadium
Heal 2 from Leafeon's Poke-Body
Attach Energy for the Poke-Power
Heal 1 from Dawn Stadium
Heal 2 from Leafeon's Poke-Body
Attach Energy for attack
Heal 1 from Dawn Stadium
Heal 2 from Leafeon's Poke-Body
Because all of the energy attaching is occurring at seperate times, you get to use the effect of Dawn Stadium more than once.