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Leafeon (undaunted) 50x special conditions


Aspiring Trainer
3 Leafeon UD
3 eevee (Rising rivals)
1 venusaur SW
1 Venusaur SV
2-2 Ivysaur SV
1-0-1 Blaziken PL
1 skuntank PL
1-1 Hypno HG
1-1 shaymin LV.X (ground)
1 Spitittomb AR
1 Azelf

Energy 10
1 recal energy

Trainer, 29
2 Miasma vally
1 burned tower
3 rare candies
3 life herb
1 expert belt
2 twins
1 seeker
1 flowershop lady
1 bebe search
and other bad trainers to fill deck :p

Strategy, use leafeon's 1{G} 50x each status with blazikens burn, skuntanks poison, and hypnos sleep. Venusaur's are in as backups atackers and techs like their ability to keep my grass from spec. conditions (use with skuntank)and the other flip for heads and choose a spec. conditions for your opponet (helps if some guys are in prize or KO) also the sleep with ivysaur always comes in handy. if all goes well i could be dealing 150 damage + poison,burn, and sleep

i want to make this as fast as possible and i need help with what i should be looking for to add in the deck (Trainers Mostly)
I've already made a deck based on leafeon's 50x SC.

I use Beautifly as the combo (can't remember which set), because at 4 energies it can do 60 damage, asleep, confused, and poisoned. It also has a 0 retreat cost for easy switching for that and leafeon.
Leafeon lvX + Roserade UD + Rainbow Energy.

This is the best way to deal 100 dmg while keep the amount of techs low. A couple of Energy Exchanger help as well.
yes, the rainbow counts as both. You may want to also run dawn stadium instead of miasma valley. Dawn will remove the 10 damage rainbow inflicts. And maybe take out that secret wonders saur, since that 1 card makes it not tournament legal.